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Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 31 Aug 2022, 12:57
by C00kiemonster
Not much more I can add. We are here if you need us and we will be thinking of you.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 08:56
by Jack
Off to the hospital this morning for my first chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments , I am full of doubt and scared shitless , I don't know how I will react to the treatments but everything I have seen and heard leads me to believe that this is not going to be easy , I'll post again as soon as I'm able .

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 09:05
by Kwacky
Good luck mate.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 09:54
by duke63
Take it easy, Jack. Use the expertise of the doctors and nurses available. Ask questions and don’t feel nervous about telling them it’s scaring you. They will have ways of putting you at ease as best they can.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 10:16
by StMarks
duke63 wrote:Take it easy, Jack. Use the expertise of the doctors and nurses available. Ask questions and don’t feel nervous about telling them it’s scaring you. They will have ways of putting you at ease as best they can.
Sounds like great advice there, as Duke points out this may be all new to you but I expect that almost everyone they see will be similarly affected. Knowing how to relate to you, and how to address those concerns will be as normal to them as you catching the perfect snap of a BSB rider mid-air at the top of the mountain.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 10:18
by Cav
You're strong but not superhuman, share your feelings with those nurses and med administrators.. there will be nothing they've not heard before and will be able to put your mind at ease. Take it steady and I presume you have a lift or taxi to get home?

Something which helped people I know is to get yourself a nice weighted blanket too, apparently feeling "cold to the bone" is a common symptom so a nice hug from a blanket may help you.

I know I barely know you, but I'm proud of you, Jack.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 11:34
by D41
The very best of luck to you Jack. You're in my thoughts.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 13:18
by Jack
my bad I got the wrong end of the stick , todays appointment was to go over procedures etc , sign some consent forms and to answer all my questions and fears , my first appointment for treatment is the 9th sept ( next friday ) . I am feeling much happier about the situation than I was this morning , I have a phone appt with a specialist nurse on saturday who will be able to answer any additional questions I may have . It is still a scary prospect and the treatment itself carries a risk of death but the medics seem confident in the treatment and the majority of those who get the treatment show an improvement so I feel much happier about moving forward on this course .

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 13:23
by StMarks
Jack wrote:.....I feel much happier about moving forward on this course .
Excellent news Jack. (y)

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 15:14
by duke63
Have the hospital given you contact details for MacMillan services, Jack. They should also be able to help and advise on not just treatment but the day to day needs you may have and also financial advice iirc from mother in laws experience.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 01 Sep 2022, 17:16
by Jack
Yes mate I am in touch with them , they have been very helpful .

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 02 Sep 2022, 06:32
by Perkles
Keep fighting Jack

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 03 Sep 2022, 08:40
by Frankie
You know we are with you mate :) keep strong.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 03 Sep 2022, 10:50
by kiwikrasher
All the best with treatment Jack, glad to see your not just rolling over and are going to give it a red hot go. Like St Marks said, the drs are just giving their best guess.

I can’t offer much from way over here mate, but yell out if there is anything I can do. Always a bed and a bike for you here if you want to ever visit this burnt land.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 09 Sep 2022, 08:20
by Jack
Off to the Hospital for the first round
this is where the real fight begins
see you on the other side

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 09 Sep 2022, 08:22
by D6Nutz
Jack wrote:Off to the Hospital for the first round
this is where the real fight begins
see you on the other side
Good luck mate.

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 09 Sep 2022, 08:30
by Kwacky
We're with you in spirit

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 09 Sep 2022, 08:40
by Cav
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts today, Jack! Take care and good luck.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 09 Sep 2022, 10:14
by D41
May The Force be with you, Jack.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 09 Sep 2022, 11:41
by StMarks
Maybe they'll start you off gently, ease you in ( like in a novice group ) (smirk)
I imagine you'll feel pretty washed out ( to say the least) afterwards Jack, so don't feel any pressure to post up too soon.
Am sure we can (and will ) be patient, and wait until you're feel ready.
Meanwhile shed-loads of love & respect from the StM household mate. (nod)