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Good start to the new year (not)

Posted: 02 Jan 2020, 16:01
by T.C.
Firstly, happy new year to everyone. I hope you all had a good christmas

Found out a couple of days ago that my Aunt died on the 27th of December.

That means I have to go to Harrogate on the 21st of January for the funeral.

But the real concern is that with my Aunts passing, that now makes me the oldest member of the family on my mothers side :( :^

Now that makes me feel old..... Very old.

So word of warning, if you live north of the wash, stay indoors as it is guaranteed that it will rain or snow as it always does when I go north (doh)

Re: Good start to the new year (not)

Posted: 02 Jan 2020, 16:07
by Kwacky
Hi mate

Sorry to hear about your sad news.

Hopefully things will start picking up for you.

As for the weather, it usually snows on my birthday and that's on the 22nd, so chances are it'll be cold and wintery.

Re: Good start to the new year (not)

Posted: 03 Jan 2020, 08:23
by Rossgo
Sorry to hear of your loss TC.

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

Re: Good start to the new year (not)

Posted: 03 Jan 2020, 21:40
by Itchy
My condolences mate.