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Weekend plans

Posted: 27 Apr 2018, 09:07
by Kwacky
Anyone up to anything?

I intend to slob out and do nothing tonight.

Tomorrow, if the weather permits, I'll swap the front and rear pads on the Versys. Roll on having a garage and not having to worry about the weather. If the weather is crap I'll go to the gym.

It's my daughter's 15th tomorrow but she's at dance all day and doesn't want to do anything. So we're out for a meal Sunday evening. I'm doing my IAM training in the morning.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 27 Apr 2018, 09:40
by D6Nutz
Not a lot tonight.

Tomorrow I've got to replace all the waste pipes on the caravan as the plastic has degraded and is leaking. My parents, brother, and sister are coming over for a meal tonight, and I'm cooking. Well, when I say cooking, what I mean is buying stuff from waitrose and heating it up (giggle)

Sunday is fleet half marathon. I'm going for a time do expect the rest of the day to be written off as well.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 27 Apr 2018, 09:56
by Cavetroll87
Tonight, not a lot

Tomorrow have tickets to go see Infinity War so I am like a kid before Xmas
Sunday probably feeling sorry for myself that I no longer have that to look forward to good or bad....

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 27 Apr 2018, 10:38
by DaytonAndy
Mainly going to be getting the Pani ready for track. (whew)

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 27 Apr 2018, 10:42
by Cav
Dog-sitting, birthday meal, dog walk then revising for my last exam of the year on Monday.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Apr 2018, 05:07
by kiwikrasher
At a 5 yr olds birthday today at a playland.... and it was a kid free day for me today!! But Jess has her two and it’s her nieces birthday so I got roped in.

I need alcohol so bad.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Apr 2018, 14:06
by Deegee
Was still at work until 10 last night, so that was last night and this morning done for. I ran MiniGee out to his voluntary job after lunch, and made a batch of dough for pizza tonight, and am heading off to the deli shortly for “Nice things” for the weekend. ;)

Tomorrow we’re at MiL/FiL’s for lunch, so a quiet day overall before the rush of next week hits - our trade show is looming so everyone is on readiness for problems and extra work.....

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Apr 2018, 22:23
by Stonesie
It's probably going to be a slob day on the whole, couple of errands to run and I might have a bimble on the bike... I kinda want to go to SMC to arrange a ride on the Superduke GT, seems a great do-it-all bike.