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David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 07:27
by Fireball
The third world war and why it has to happen. Scarey thoughts which might actually be very true. (emo)" onclick=";return false;

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 08:22
by StMarks

Fwiw all us reptilians hold very little credence to the rantings of that icke minded individual.

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 10:22
by C00kiemonster
David Icke :D :D (lol) (lol)

Do you seriously believe what he says?

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 10:45
by Kwacky
He was right about Savile and the BBC hiding child abusers.

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 11:17
by Fireball
One thing life has taught me is that those who talk sense they get laughed at and those who are full of shit they are respected by a lot of people. (rock)

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 12:40
by C00kiemonster
This is a man who suggested that the Earth and collective human mind are manipulated from the Moon, a spacecraft and an inter-dimensional portal controlled by reptilians. :D Oh and he liked shell suits for a while (drunk)

Throw enough wierd stuff out there and some of it is probably true, it doesn't indicate sanity |(

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 12:46
by Jack
I choose to believe that the reptilian references are a metaphor for the ruling elite , like the Bilderburg group , Rothschilds , Rockefellers , European Royalty etc . He makes a lot more sense to me than many , I'd much rather listen to him than Alex Jones . I don't agree with everything he says although he does get some thing very right and long before they come to the attention of the general public .

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 14:10
by D41
The guy is a conspiracy theorist & nothing more than that.

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 19:26
by Blade
He offers no facts just a theory he links tediously to world events. I could do that for Christs sake.

He talks about demonizing Russia. We've been there and done that and moved on. Like many on here I grew up in the 80' s in the height of cold war tension and Russia was seen as a much bigger threat then and demonized to an extreme degree but it never came to ww3 it came to a reduction in nuclear warheads. Hardly an act of readiness for war.

There will be no ww3 because it's stale mate. Nuclear Armageddon. No winners just masses of dead and an unhabitable contaminated earth where people can't exist and food cannot be grown to sustain human life.

If the new ruling elite and one world army want to kick about in a nuclear bunker, high fiving each other on victory, with nothing to eat but corn beef and spam rations for the next 100 years have their bloody ww3, I d rather die than win tbh.

Load of absolute bollocks. Better of asking my 7 year old what he predicts for the world's future as he has just as good an idea. He is out with his mum at footie at the moments but when he gets back we will do some YouTube videos and create hysteria. I'll sit on the fence and say fooking nonsense.

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 20:08
by Kwacky
Blade for President

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 20:46
by Blade
Kwacky wrote:Blade for President
Haha :P

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 20:55
by duke63
I do suspect, like Jack, that there are bigger players behind the scenes than our supposed leaders elected into Government.

I think the economic crash of 10 years ago really brought that home to many people. the biggest losers from that SHOULD have been the wealthiest at the top. The biggest losers were in fact the poorest at the bottom who had little to do with it at all.

Don't think they are reptiles though. :D :D

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 21:31
by D41
Yeah...but too many people at the bottom of the totem pole live paycheck-to-paycheck. Those with a lot of wealth can take a big hit to the wallet & take it in their stride.....they're still wealthy, just not quite as much as they were beforehand.

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 11:00
by Fireball
Blade wrote:He offers no facts just a theory he links tediously to world events. I could do that for Christs sake.
You need to put your 3d glasses on blade and see for yourself what,s been going on since the 9/11 event to understand what,s going on in the world today and what the likes of David Duke and David Icke are on about mate. (rock)

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 12:54
by Blade
No need I've asked my little boy and he has a better grasp on reality

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 14:30
by C00kiemonster
Blade wrote:No need I've asked my little boy and he has a better grasp on reality
:D (rolf)

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 15:11
by D41
9/11?? You just HAD to go there, didn't you??

What's next....lemme think. I'm guessing the Kennedy Assassination, Roswell (and crop circles in general), The Philadelphia Experiment, The Space Shuttle Disaster, The Bermuda Triangle, "Machu Picchu was an alien base" and finally, the ever popular "Elvis is alive & well, working in a gas station just outside Toledo, Ohio" theory.

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 16:12
by duke63
Elvis died
C3A74EFF-06E0-4C8F-AEB2-9932B7B8204F.jpeg (25.37 KiB) Viewed 2354 times

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 16:24
by D41
Don't be cruel, Duke..

Re: David Icke talks about...

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 18:34
by duke63
He's Always On My Mind.