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Surprising fact

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 11:08
by T.C.
Last night I went over to the Isle of Wight and met up with Paul at Pit-Stop training who invited me to attend the 2nd ever Isle of Wight bike night at Newport Football club.

On Saturday the Island had a ride out for fallen freinds when over 350 bikes turned out, so last night only about 150 bikes turned up which for only the second event I thought was pretty impressive, but the Football club even opened up the snack bar so coffee, tea and burgers could be purchased.

What really surprised me was the range of bikes from a 1930's AJS to an immaculate Honda 400/4 right the way through to the obligatory R1's Busa's and GSXR's. Real friendly crowd and I was made to feel very welcome, so if anyone is on the island on the first Monday of every month then pop along to Newport Football club for a great night out.

Anyway, the surprising fact as per the title of this thread is, did you know that there are over 6,000 motocycles registered on the Isle of Wight? OK, a lot of people have more than one bike, but for an island that is no bigger than an average size county, that is still a lot of bikes, and the numbers are growing.

Re: Surprising fact

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 13:20
by Rossgo
That shocks me T.C. I wouldn't of thought it would be as many as that as it is only small area

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Re: Surprising fact

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 14:45
by C00kiemonster
Must get a bit boring on a small island.. Not quite the IOM is it? :)

Re: Surprising fact

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 15:05
by Itchy
That's pretty cool.

Re: Surprising fact

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 16:00
by Kwacky
That's got to keep the local police busy.