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Donald Trump

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 08:38
by duke63
More of a danger to the world than any isis terrorist? Can any nation ever be so stupid as to elect him as its leader?" onclick=";return false;

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 09:10
by C00kiemonster
I remind you they were capable of electing Ronald Reagan and that idiot Bush :(

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 09:16
by Kwacky
There's large areas of the US which go for his rhetoric. Which is how Bush got in. They effectively ignore the liberal areas and look to increase Republican support in strong and borderline right wing areas.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 13:54
by D6
Who would vote for someone with such a silly name.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 14:38
by Norfolknchance
Does sound like he should be a character from Viz.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 16:56
by Monty
300 million people and they narrow it down to a hand full of wazzocks!

I like Bernie though

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 17:11
by Blade
Monty wrote:300 million people and they narrow it down to a hand full of wazzocks!

I like Bernie though
Why is it where ever you go it's always the dick heads in charge (lol)

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 17:15
by Kwacky
Blade wrote:
Why is it where ever you go it's always the dick heads in charge (lol)
/Bans Blade from Tankslap ;)

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 17:19
by Blade
Case made ;) (giggle)

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 19:39
by D41
C00kiemonster wrote:I remind you they were capable of electing Ronald Reagan and that idiot Bush :(
I liked Bush, I thought he was a very good President in his own way....remember how he was lambasted for his lack of reaction in a grade-school classroom when he was informed of the attacks on the WTC etc.....what did people expect him to do....go cavorting around the room like a deranged person with Tourette's Syndrome???....No, he stayed calm and collected and maintained a modicum of poise. Did he make errors....of course he did, he's a human being.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 20:18
by TonyB
You say calm...I say brain dead. He did nothing because there was no one there to tell him what to do. Or....he was in on it.

I reckon it was the latter.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 21:17
by duke63
He started a war that no one will ever win and in the mean time a lot of innocent lives will be lost fighting it...on both sides.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 21:23
by Perkles
duke63 wrote:More of a danger to the world than any isis terrorist? Can any nation ever be so stupid as to elect him as its leader?" onclick=";return false;
Yes :)

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 12:58
by Monty
He's a murderous B@stard, and was almost certainly in on the 911 buildings demolition. He needed a reason to go to war so he made one.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 19:50
by C00kiemonster
Monty wrote:He's a murderous B@stard, and was almost certainly in on the 911 buildings demolition. He needed a reason to go to war so he made one.
What.. Bush was part of a conspiracy to make 911 happen?

I find that hard to believe.... He wasn't clever enough frankly.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 19:52
by Kwacky
The Bush family are very very pally with the Bin Laden's.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 19:56
by C00kiemonster
I can't accept bush was part of something like that. Too far fetched unless someone has evidence?

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 20:05
by Kwacky
It's a bit weird that the only aircraft allowed to fly after the attacks on 9/11 belonged to the Bin Laden's.

The guys who owned the Twin Towers took out new insurance on them just days before and this time they included cover for terrorism.

Did Bush know? I doubt it. But I do believe that US intelligence knew something was going to happen.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 20:10
by C00kiemonster
I'm sure more is known about such things than we peasants are told. Maybe they allowed it to happen. I wouldn't be surprised I suppose.

Re: Donald Trump

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 20:11
by TonyB
Kwacky wrote:The Bush family are very very pally with the Bin Laden's.
They also funded the Nazis.