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Hit and run

Posted: 18 Jun 2015, 21:17
by Kwacky

Re: Hit and run

Posted: 18 Jun 2015, 22:05
by duke63
The mentality of so many people tthese days is really disturbing. Whatever the provocation you can't just run someone off the road.

I wonder what the police will view that as? Attempted murder maybe?

Re: Hit and run

Posted: 18 Jun 2015, 22:46
by Frankie
"Well he gave me the finger whet else was I supposed to do?"

Wtf is this knob on!!!!!

So he runs him down..... (facepalm) (headbang) (fubar)

Re: Hit and run

Posted: 19 Jun 2015, 14:04
by Itchy
I don't want to swear, but what i just said rhymed with "what an absolute lucking hunt"!

Re: Hit and run

Posted: 20 Jun 2015, 10:30
by Rossgo
Huge respect to the biker who rode after that p?ick. He didn't know what was going to happen. that driver opened up his boot and the biker still stood there. He could of been carrying anything with him. Really tracked down. He at the minimum has his kisense number and face of the driver. That would lead to prosecution because of his quick thinking

Re: Hit and run

Posted: 20 Jun 2015, 10:36
by duke63
I do think that in some certain cases drivers should lose their right to drive for life.

This happened in London just last week. The bloke who confronted the attacker ought to be commended for his actions. If we just walk away and turn a blind eye from unacceptable behaviour then it will only get worse. The attacker is quite happy to throttle the woman who videod her jumping a redlight but them goes apeshit when anyone gets near her." onclick=";return false;

Re: Hit and run

Posted: 20 Jun 2015, 11:59
by Kwacky
WTF is wrong with people?

Re: Hit and run

Posted: 20 Jun 2015, 12:45
by Rossgo
No idea Kwacky. How he found that acceptable I have no idea.

Re: Hit and run

Posted: 20 Jun 2015, 13:08
by Perkles
People change when they are behind the wheel,when I used to commute through brum on a pushbike everyday,I've been knocked off hit and run,spat at,had cigarettes thrown at me and verbally abused
Stricter laws need to be put in place for these pricks who think they own the road

Re: Hit and run

Posted: 20 Jun 2015, 15:34
by Rossgo
That's absolutely ridiculous Perkles. There's no respect what so ever for other people