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Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 09:13
by Kwacky
What you all up tp?

Gym tonight

Cardiff tomorrow for the football and a couple of beers with some mates. Stopping over then driving to Worcester on Sunday to watch Alex fighting in another Tae Kwon Do comp.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 09:18
by kingfixer
Tonight ....working in Dunfermline !!! ;( ;(
sat.....driving back down from Dunfermline ;( ;( At least I will be back in time to demo the 1299 :P
Sun...not sure yet.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 10:28
by kiwikrasher
Soak up time with the kids, off to work Tuesday

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 10:30
by Perkles
tonight chill its been a long hard week
saturday take sprog to gymnastics and got builders round in the afternoon to quote some work on the house
Sunday free day so dont know

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 11:37
by Bratty
Off today so popping to a mates for a natter then visit me mom for an hour then off to the crem to pay respects to the father inlaw who would have had a birthday today,
Work tomorrow then off Soulin at the YamYam club,
Off Sunday so chores in the morning then might try and have a blast on the bike.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 13:47
by Itchy
It's Iron Banner week in Destiny.
(Loosely translated - I'm being a nerd and playing video games all weekend!)

The missus has been pre-warned, so I have the green light for muchos game time.

I'll also probably go out for a run with the dog.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 19:50
by D6Nutz
Tonight, chilling with a couple of glasses of wine (small one)

Sat, more chilling and dropping the kid of at my parents for a quiet night.

Sun, running a half marathon in the morning and probably saying ouch a lot in the afternoon.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 20:02
by Kwacky
Good luck with the run.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 20:24
by D6Nutz
Kwacky wrote:Good luck with the run.
Cheers mate.

Also good luck to Duke63 who is running a half on Sunday as well.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 20:38
by Kwacky
And to Duke as well

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 22:15
by Jack
going to a muddy field somewhere near Doncaster on Sunday to photograph the 1st round of the Scott National MX championship , I haven't done much MX photography so am quite looking forward to it

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 09:01
by Tricky
going to watch bike racing at Darley Moor.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 21:08
by C00kiemonster
Back near Portsmouth after 2 weeks of eating, driving and sleeping in other peoples beds. I'll be glad to get home on Tuesday. It's been great but I'm knackered :)

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 21:17
by rocket
Jack wrote:going to a muddy field somewhere near Doncaster on Sunday to photograph the 1st round of the Scott National MX championship , I haven't done much MX photography so am quite looking forward to it
Any details on whats going on Jack thinking I may pop over to watch a bit with the little one.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 22:57
by Jack

all the details are on there

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 22 Mar 2015, 08:08
by Frankie
Make sure you keep yourself up wind of the dust and dirt flying around mate.... dusty lens an-all-that. ;) Should get some awesome shots

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 22 Mar 2015, 10:41
by Deegee
Weekend so far has been watching the rugby and now reading about it, but also went to the Science fair at mini Gee's school and had some chill time last night (required after the rugby), today we were supposed to be getting some new wardrobes for MG's room, but sadly he's full of cold and barking like a seal with a cough. Warmth, rest and plenty of liquids for him today.

This afternoon I'll be genning up on a new model I'm installing at a customers in W.London early part of the week, don't want awkward questions asked I can't answer from customers.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 22 Mar 2015, 11:40
by Bratty
Was gonna pop to visit my mom on my new scooter to get some running in miles on it but I thought feck it I'm going on the beast

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 25 Mar 2015, 14:56
by Blade
3 days of Motogp (allhail)