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Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 20:12
by D6Nutz
When hasn't the TT been very dangerous?

Sure speeds are faster , but bikes are a different breed now to what they where even 10 years ago. Tyres, brakes, chassis, electrics, etc all have improved immeasurably. But riding on a road circuit against the clock is always going to be a risk, but that's what the riders love IMO.

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 20:23
by Deegee
Has show jumping, rugby, diving into shallow water etc become too dangerous as well? No they are are just as dangerous as they always were and so is the TT, so please stop trying to get people to visit your tawdry rags troll cave website by issuing idiotic polls. Dickheads.

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 20:29
by Perkles

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 07 Jun 2014, 20:32
by Blade
Deegee wrote:Has show jumping, rugby, diving into shallow water etc become too dangerous as well? No they are are just as dangerous as they always were and so is the TT, so please stop trying to get people to visit your tawdry rags troll cave website by issuing idiotic polls. Dickheads.
"Dickheads" pmsl (rolf)

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 07 Jun 2014, 20:36
by Blade
Why don't all do gooders seriously just fook off (gah) they really do boil my pi$$

What ever the sport , challenge or activity let responsible, intelligent individuals make their own decisions and take responsibility for the own actions as long as their not breaking the law , hurting anyone or fly tipping bin bags outside there neighbours house every Sunday I don't see what the problem is (lol)

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 07 Jun 2014, 20:42
by Blade
Tbh what results are they expecting posting that question on a motorcycle enthusiasts website.

The outcome is so predictable its not worth posting. They might as well post up would people like to fook Mila Kunis the result is equally predictable

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 08:53
by C00kiemonster
The TT is far too dangerous.

That's what makes it so wonderful :)

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 09:43
by duke63
Hitting a wall is as likely to be fatal whether you hit it at 75 mph, 100 mph or 150 mph.

However no one should ever allow the organisers to treat safety as a secondary issue and they should always be striving to make it safer and if that needs media pressure to happen then so be it.

I can tell you that without a doubt, the fallout from the deaths of riders recently will have a massive effect both financially and emotionally on those they have left behind, probably for the rest of their lives.

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 17:38
by Stew
Deegee wrote:Has show jumping, rugby, diving into shallow water etc become too dangerous as well? No they are are just as dangerous as they always were and so is the TT, so please stop trying to get people to visit your tawdry rags troll cave website by issuing idiotic polls. Dickheads.
Dont sit on the the fence there bud, tell em what you think :) of course its dangerous, so is mountaineering and a myriad of other sports and pastimes, trouble is we are all so cosseted by health and safety stuff these days that some think that no activity should have a hint of risk at all, funny MCN running a poll like that, I'll bet their revenue goes up in the TT fortnight so you could almost accuse them of profiting from the TT in a roundabout sort of way.

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 17:55
by Si.
People who think TT is dangerous, should take up skiing... far less dangerous. Lovely soft snow to fall on and great views.

Oh, hang on a sec....

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 21:30
by Godzilla
Are they going to ban people from climbing Everest? That might be slightly more risky. Maybe they will put speed cameras up there generate some extra revenue, sorry I mean make it safer.

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 22:16
by Kwacky
Kids aren't allowed to play British Bulldog anymore. It's too dangerous.

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 22:23
by Perkles
The worlds gone mad

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 22:43
by Stew
Godzilla wrote:Are they going to ban people from climbing Everest? That might be slightly more risky. Maybe they will put speed cameras up there generate some extra revenue, sorry I mean make it safer.
It used to be that a permit to climb Everest was in the region of $60,000, its probably a lot more now, especially going from the Chinese side, there was a 1 in 7 chance of dying on the mountain, K2 was a 1 in 4 chance of non survival, but there still queuing up for permits to go and prove themselves, the TT is no different and people want to push it to the ragged edge and beyond then that's their business, leave em to it

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 07:48
by duke63
The TT has become a victim of its own publicity in this respect.

If you want more coverage ( and sponsor income ) for your event and you have fatal accidents, then its bound to get more media coverage.

I would be interested to know if there have been any deaths on the roads outside racing though. This aspect of TT week seems to get hushed up.

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 08:17
by Blade
Perhaps ban people from volunteering for the Infantry as getting shot at in Afghanistan is too dangerous (facepalm) (Obviously tongue in cheek ridiclously ironic comment, I have all the respect in the world for the Hero's that serve our country)

Somebody needs to tell these do good muppet's calling for a ban on anything dangerous to shut the fook up (gah) They don't want to do these activities themselves and that's ok, no body is asking them too, but some people want to push themselves so but OUT and leave them to it.

People don't need protecting from themselves, they need protecting from busy body's intervering (swear)

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 09:03
by duke63
It's MCN that started the discussion, Blade. I don't think anyone is proposing to ban it.

I am still of the opinion though that when there is a death, all aspects of the safety issues should be reviewed to see if it can be improved.

Re: Poll: Has the Isle of Man TT become too dangerous?

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 10:24
by Blade
I agree Duke. Safety performance should be a constantly reviewed and improved process.