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Bikes in the News

Posted: 21 May 2014, 13:56
by Cavetroll87" onclick=";return false;

Found this article on the BBC today, was intrigued by it as its so rare to see anything about Bikes in the news other than about idiots being arrested for doing 140mph wheelies past cops.

the thing that got me was the ending on a neagtive, Im just not sure it was needed or warranted, I dont see why they couldnt have just had a positive article about the benefits of riding, but instead it felt more like a warning to young people to stay away from them. Maybe its just me reading too much into it.

Re: Bikes in the News

Posted: 21 May 2014, 14:08
by Kwacky
It is reasonably balanced.

What they fail to point out is that cars are the biggest killers for those in the 18-30 age bracket in this country.

They also fail to remind people that it's middle aged bikers who are more likely to become a statistic.

Re: Bikes in the News

Posted: 21 May 2014, 17:32
by Mac
Kwacky wrote:
They also fail to remind people that it's middle aged bikers who are more likely to become a statistic.
Absolutely, as it just so happens I had a conversation this morning at the gym with a rider who fits this demographic. He stated that he realized he started riding too late in life and was considering selling his bike. 'Course, he rides a Harley, so I didn't try to talk him out of it.

I live and work in an area where there is a large tourist influx of motorcyclists during the summer months. Most are, to quote someone on here, "putting their ambitions above their skill level", but there are quite a few riders who bought their first bike in retirement, and this is the first place they come. Our roads are narrow, twisty, and have zero run off on either side. Mixing the large number of squids that come to our area, and the number of inexperienced bikers, and it's no wonder that our fatalities go through the roof during the summer