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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 16:19
by D41
6 months ??

Is that normal?...or rather, does it ever seem to you that that sort of thing just gets bogged down in bureaucracy, time-wise?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 16:24
by Kwacky
He should have insurance, so we tracked down his insurers and spent a bit of time corresponding with them. Then it turned out he hadn't made a claim so we told him he needed to do it. Again he ignored us so after giving my client advice this is the route we're going down.

It could have been done in a few weeks if we wanted to push it through but there isn't a massive rush on this case.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 16:26
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:He should have insurance, so we tracked down his insurers and spent a bit of time corresponding with them. Then it turned out he hadn't made a claim so we told him he needed to do it. Again he ignored us so after giving my client advice this is the route we're going down.

It could have been done in a few weeks if we wanted to push it through but there isn't a massive rush on this case.
Will he owe that amount personally? If so, i assume debt collection then get involved when he cant pay. (muscle)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 16:34
by Kwacky
yep, the debt is in his name so he needs to pay.

I am acting as debt collection by sending a stat demand. I don't need to do it as it's a court order he's not paid, but it's a final warning. Next step is bankruptcy.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 16:39
by D41
Bankruptcy is prolly his best option, you'd's not the "end-of-the-world" scenario people think it is.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 16:41
by Cavetroll87
screw the bankruptcy, send round the heavies with sledgehammers.......

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 17:39
by Rossgo
Well done Cavetroll celebration time needed again

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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 17:40
by Rossgo
Kwacky. Screw that, that's an impossible amount!

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 18:20
by Rossgo
Went to a course today at work talking about allergens and making sure everyone understands how important it is etc.

Anyway on the way home I was giving it a bit and a silver Astra was hammering it up to me, he flashed his lights and I thought 'oh great' wait for the blues to go on, so I pulled into the middle lane. He rushes past me and gets stuck behind some traffic. He started to literally go half way inbetween the middle lane and the fast lane trying to push the car ahead to pull in to middle lane. No blues. No signs at back saying police. No sense. He was just a dick

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 18:40
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote:He should have insurance, so we tracked down his insurers and spent a bit of time corresponding with them. Then it turned out he hadn't made a claim so we told him he needed to do it. Again he ignored us so after giving my client advice this is the route we're going down.

It could have been done in a few weeks if we wanted to push it through but there isn't a massive rush on this case.
Reading this ^ has me thinking of some hoodied yoofs in a Black Ford Ka.... 8-|


Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 22:25
by Kwacky
But without the risk of serious injury, the loss of 2 years no claims, the damaged bike.............

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 22:23
by D41
Doin' nowt at all today.....air quality is crap thanks to all the fires, so instead I'll just sit at home & try to re-install the lungs I've been coughing up all morning.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 22:39
by Kwacky
How far away are the fires?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 23:06
by DaytonAndy" onclick=";return false;
Anfield was rocking tonight!" onclick=";return false;

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 23:53
by D41
Kwacky wrote:How far away are the fires?


I'm on the southern edge of LA County just inside Orange County, the fires are on the northern edge of L.A. and up....40-50 miles or so??

I'm crap at geography though...I failed my O level..failed the resit, then resat the resit & failed that too, so I have ample proof-of-crapness at geog.
I rule!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 07 Dec 2017, 00:33
by kiwikrasher
Be surprised if there isn’t a app you can use D, we have one in Aussie called Fires Near Me, has alerts etc and predicted fire paths etc, very valuable during fire season here

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 07 Dec 2017, 02:47
by D41
Waah.....apparently EVERYWHERE is burning!! I'm doomed!!

I often tend go by time rather than distance when it comes to stuff like that. Jusy seems to work better.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 07 Dec 2017, 09:40
by Kwacky
Left the bikes at home today. We're supposed to get the tail end of a storm sweep through with wind gusts up to 90mph. I'm a cager for the day.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 07 Dec 2017, 09:49
by duke63
Tomorrow looks even worse at the moment. Snow, snow and a bit more snow.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 07 Dec 2017, 10:00
by D6Nutz
I've taken the day off, glad I did a cycling in what's outside would not be fun.

Supposed to be going for a run if I can be arsed to get my gear on.