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Re: Man down :-(

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 14:57
by Monty
^^^ What they said.

The only other thing I can add is, it will get better with time. You'll never totally heal but it does get easier.

Re: Man down :-(

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 15:12
by Rossgo
Again sorry to hear all of this. Must be such a hard time but the fact your able to be so calm over it and show no anger is amazing, you never know how your react until something happens and it's nice to see your not gunning for them at fault.

Re: Man down :-(

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 15:34
by Bratty
Not a lot more I can say that hasn't been said mate.
Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Re: Man down :-(

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 17:12
by StMarks
The way you appear to be coping with this harrowing episode is testimony to your high level of morality & integrity mate, to say that I am impressed seems inadequate.

However (for balance, & possibly on your late brother's behalf) I'm going to give you something to consider.:

Your brother loved biking, as do you....

If something tragic had happened to you on a bike, would you honestly want it to cause him to stop riding.?

I realise that the loss you are feeling now will be overwhelming, and enjoying riding a motorbike (because of the associated memories) will be impossible.

However in time you may want re-visit that decision, and ride to remember & rekindle the memories. You may even want to ride for him, & in his honour.

If he was anything like you, I reckon he may well want that.

Please don't take offense that I'm not coming out with the usual platitudes, I assure you it doesn't mean I care less. (Quite the opposite fwiw).

Re: Man down :-(

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 18:40
by bb41
It's hard and we may make decisions we may later have a change of heart , whatever that decision turns out to be then I'm sure your bro will be with you whatever you decide

Nothing can take away the pain but as humans we have the ability to adjust, I've been in your shoes and it seems a mountain ahead of you to climb, but climb it you will along with the rest of the family.

At some point you will find a place where the tears will turn to laughter and memories won't be as painful as they are now,

If you have someone in your life who you can talk to who won't mind listening to you recount those memories then that will be a great help and one day you will wake up and feel a corner has been turned.... I promise
Take care and hope you can stay strong as possible

Re: Man down :-(

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 23:19
by Stew
I dont think I can add much to what has already been said, but this is a really good and supportive community to be a part of so don't be a stranger mate

Re: Man down :-(

Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 03:03
by Mac
Agreed with everything said so far, I can't say as I disagree with your decision. My prayers are with you and Karl's family as you move forward. I hope you stay on the forum, as I've always enjoyed your company.

Re: Man down :-(

Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 08:46
by dizzyw
StMarks wrote:The way you appear to be coping with this harrowing episode is testimony to your high level of morality & integrity mate, to say that I am impressed seems inadequate.

However (for balance, & possibly on your late brother's behalf) I'm going to give you something to consider.:

Your brother loved biking, as do you....

If something tragic had happened to you on a bike, would you honestly want it to cause him to stop riding.?

I realise that the loss you are feeling now will be overwhelming, and enjoying riding a motorbike (because of the associated memories) will be impossible.

However in time you may want re-visit that decision, and ride to remember & rekindle the memories. You may even want to ride for him, & in his honour.

If he was anything like you, I reckon he may well want that.

Please don't take offense that I'm not coming out with the usual platitudes, I assure you it doesn't mean I care less. (Quite the opposite fwiw).

All very good points, and yes possibly I may re-visit that decision in the future, for now It's just something I am unable to do.

I would never take offense BTW, everyone is entitled to their opinion, both myself and Karl always listened, we may have then forgot it, but we always listened.

As you have said, it's the memories that have helped me to cope with this tragic event, we had some amazing times together and as siblings do, had some bad, but we always laughed and joked about them in the end, damn we could take the pi$$ out of each other all day long!

Thanks to all again by the way, I wont be a stranger, keep it shiny side up guys!

Re: Man down :-(

Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 13:24
by Norfolknchance
Sorry to hear this, its good that you are taking such a measured view of the incident. As for giving up biking, it could be for the best, especially for the short term, as you said you can always go back if you change your mind. Take care and look after yourself.