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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 21:48
by D6Nutz
18 miles on the push bike this afternoon, it's starting to feel quite comfortable now..

5 mile trail run tomorrow night after work, the meet point is only about 5 or 6 miles down the road so I might cycle there too if I get home from work in time.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 21:58
by edski675
I ran 11 miles on the sorta hilly course at Nesscliffe (near Shrewsbury). Took it at race pace for next Saturday's race (Dig Deep Peak District Ultra - 30 miles) ie slow, about 12 min miling. But I have hurt my right knee ;( ;( no idea how as it only kicked off when I got home - immediately around the outside edge of the kneecap is sore and it stiffened up so much that it was painful to walk. So I'm stuffing ibuprofen and rubbing ibuprofen gel into it and babying it generally. It has eased but still twinges. I'm really pissed off about it as everything has gone so well, and the week before the race this happens, feckit. I'm determined I'm going to run next Saturday though, even if I have to walk or crawl there is no way that I will bail or DNF.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 22:13
by D6Nutz
bugger, hopefully nothing serious mate... I thought I'd turned my ankle last Thursday as it hurt like hell on the last leg of the run, was fine the next day.

Hopefully will feel better in the morning..

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 22:41
by kiwikrasher
Edski, sounds exactly like the pain I had when I did a ITB injury. Here's a link about it
and it has a quick check to confirm if it is ITBS. Unfortunately rest is the main recovery but some physio and ultrasound treatment will help. If it is ITBS and you push through and run on it it doesn't end well. I did and I ended up off work for 3 weeks.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 08:28
by TonyB
First cycle ride to work. 11.5 miles one way. 23 miles a day 5 days a week will soon shift the bit of timber I put on recently

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 20:27
by D6Nutz
D6Nutz wrote: 5 mile trail run tomorrow night after work, the meet point is only about 5 or 6 miles down the road so I might cycle there too if I get home from work in time.
Made it home in time, and it was just over 5 miles... Frickin knackered today, the legs are really feeling it so 2 rest days on the calendar for today and tomorrow.

Just got the facebook update from the running group, seems we are doing 9 miles on Thursday and it looks like it's going to be 27 degrees as well (sweat) (sweat)

7 weeks 4 days to go (shake)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Aug 2015, 20:30
by Kwacky
I've put about 10lbs on in the last couple of weeks. Back to circuits, cardio and watching what I eat.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Aug 2015, 22:31
by D6Nutz
9 miles fine and dusted. Had to walk a bit on one of the hills, but support son came from a fellow club member and son got me running again.

I'm knackered now and my legs hurt. Probably another distance run over the weekend.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 Aug 2015, 07:51
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:I've put about 10lbs on in the last couple of weeks. Back to circuits, cardio and watching what I eat.
Job done :)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 23:02
by edski675
So today this happened :) 31.2 hard and hilly miles. I came home with the hardware 8)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Aug 2015, 01:16
by Mac
Well done mate (y)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Aug 2015, 08:49
by kiwikrasher
That's a bloody top effort mate, how's the knee go??

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Aug 2015, 12:04
by D6Nutz
Nice one edski (y)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Aug 2015, 21:59
by edski675
My knee is fubared. I managed all the training with no injuries, and after the last training run I was thinking 'self, right knee hurts'... lots of IB and resting it made it heaps better.

So I start... by mile 5 it's tightening. By mile 10 it's painful. By mile 15 it was screaming at me so I had to slow down and hobble, but fortunately we were nearly in Hope and there's a shop in Hope - so I went in and bought more IB. Best 90p spent!! Two didn't touch it, it took six to stop the pain. And that meant I could run/walk until it reminded me who's boss. So I did run/walk for 16 miles, gritted teeth... time rubbish, but I was determined that I was going to finish. Funny, there were quote a few crocks with me!!!

It's a really tough course, beautiful scenery, great camararderie, and organisation to show others how it's done. Highly, highly recommended.

So for me - I have decided that this isn't going to heal on its own, so I'll go see the doc, he's fairly useless with sports injuries so I'm going to ask for a scan and stronger anti-inflammatories, diclofenac woull be ideal if he'll give them to me.. See what he says. Being a stubborn bloke it takes a lot for me to go to the doc - but I'm sure that this needs it. Last time, I went with an ankle injury, that was a few years ago, he was not sympathetic and told me off, telling me that the hozz was full of people just like me, injuring themselves through 'overdoing' it, so I asked him would he prefer it if I smoked 20 a day. We had a falling out over it, but I was not happy at his attitude.

And - the other decision - I'm going to take a month off. I've just finished a contract at Liverpool that I was doing 3 days a week, sometimes 4, it's 73 miles each way from me, and 2 hours travel each way, driving to Hooton (just above Ellesmere Port) and then the Merseyrail to James Street... I feel exhausted, and also cos I was getting home so late I was often too tired to eat, apart from a bowl of fruit 'n' fibre. For the first time that I can remember, my weight has fallen below 70kg (11 stone) - I'm 68.8 kg today - and as I'm 1.8m (5'11") I look like a beanpole. So I need to do something about that, too :) And not running and not going to Liverpool will mean I can have some bike time. Sadly, the bike has become a garage ornament. Time to put an end to that!!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 17 Aug 2015, 13:48
by edski675
I just seen the doc. She has grounded me and referred me to an orthopaedic consultant. Suspects a torn meniscus. Great :(

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 17 Aug 2015, 14:09
by Kwacky
Ouch. That's not good news. Any indication of the extent of the damage?

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 17 Aug 2015, 22:31
by D6Nutz
Hopefully it's not as bad as it sounds. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery

Another 5 miles tonight with the easy group. Felt easy for the first time in ages.

No long run this week with the club, so going to have to plan my own route.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 17 Aug 2015, 22:52
by edski675
No not yet... will have to wait for the knee doc to say. I guess will want a scan or X ray, but as I can walk (sort of) it can't be that bad, the naproxen have brought the sweling down nicely too.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 08:26
by Kwacky
Pulled my hamstring in Taekwondo.

I'm too old for this.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 11:26
by kiwikrasher
Seriously thought about going for a run, but didn't quite make it out.

Maybe tomorrow. One more day won't hurt after about 6 months (mm)