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Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 11:31
by Cavetroll87
you guys are bad influences, last 3 nights in a row....G&T, I am loving it! The Mrs less so as now she is having to share all her gins haha!

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 12:12
by kiwikrasher
Cavetroll87 wrote:you guys are bad influences, last 3 nights in a row....G&T, I am loving it! The Mrs less so as now she is having to share all her gins haha!
Good work that man (y)

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 12:16
by Cavetroll87
I've always been a man of simple tastes, cider in the summer, Ale in the winter but the Mrs poured herself one the other night and I thought why not try it, Hooked!

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 27 Sep 2017, 20:28
by Cavetroll87
Another G&T tonight, juat the one to help me relax before big test tomorrow, decided ive crammed so much revision in this week i needed a night off just to relax before the exam tomorrow so just the 1 tonight nut going down a treat

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 20:58
by Kwacky
A London porter

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 21:02
by Deegee
A Negroni, it hit the spot perfectly as well!

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 22:20
by duke63
Jim Beam Red Stag

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 03:00
by kiwikrasher
2 nights of camping, bottle of gin...gone, 20 cans of cider..... gone, bottle of Lemon Myrtle Liqueur..... half gone, bottle of Mr Black coffee liqueur to go.

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 17:58
by Deegee
kiwikrasher wrote:
Deegee wrote:Currently enjoying a post-work Gordon's and tonic.

Not posting a pic of my Gin Cupboard....... (blush)
Oh come on, I showed you mine :P
As you asked here’s mine, I had to decant them all out of the drinks cupboard and fridge for this, so never again.
P.S. Currently enjoying a Hortus Summer gin and fever tree, with the almost comically traditional ice and slice. (y)

P.P.S. I think we need a G&T Smiley, any thoughts? :?

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 18:31
by D6Nutz
Deegee wrote:
kiwikrasher wrote:
Deegee wrote:Currently enjoying a post-work Gordon's and tonic.

Not posting a pic of my Gin Cupboard....... (blush)
Oh come on, I showed you mine :P
As you asked here’s mine, I had to decant them all out of the drinks cupboard and fridge for this, so never again.
P.S. Currently enjoying a Hortus Summer gin and fever tree, with the almost comically traditional ice and slice. (y)

P.P.S. I think we need a G&T Smiley, any thoughts? :?

Nice collection BTW.

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 18:42
by C00kiemonster

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 21:45
by duke63
A Curious brew. A lager beer made with champagne yeast and you can certainly taste it.

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 23:19
by Stonesie
Carling... It's ok I guess, its free which makes it rather fine actually, amazing how the price affects the taste.

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 02 Oct 2017, 13:42
by Itchy
It's been a few days Now, I can just about bring myself to tell you the tale...

Several weeks ago a few of us at work came up with the idea of playing Uckers as a drinking game.

For those of you that don't know, Uckers is like Ludo on steroids. Easy to play, lots of harsh little rules, plenty of taking other pieces and trying to cheat and making sure other people don't cheat.
It's fun and frustrating in equal measure.

Anyhoo, between us we decided that if we could get some shot glasses with lids on (which we did), and if we made a bigger board (which we did), and if we bought some spirits (see below), then it had great potential as a drinking game.

Last Wednesday saw us having a leaving do, and lo and behold the board, the glasses and the spirits were all ready...

As I took my place at the board I suggested, perhaps a little later than I should have, that this no longer seemed like a good idea.
With four pieces to play with, two containing Smirnoff Vodka, one containing Mount Gay Rum, and good old Jagermeister filling up the last one, the rules stated that every time a piece got taken, the owner of that piece had to drink it.

And then get a refill.

After a few of those, we made the decision to go to the smaller glasses to try and lessen the blow, but that was like spitting onto an electric heater to cool it down. When one player rolled 7 sixes in a row, all pieces went home which means all pieces get drunk.

Out of the 4 who played, no-one ended up well.

One has no idea how he got home, although a 15 minute walk took him over an hour.

One I never saw again.

One threw up copious amounts on the toilet floor and had to be escorted back to his bed.

And then there's me...

I had to go home at 9 to make sure there was someone in the house to look after my son whilst my wife went and picked my daughter up from Guides. I cycled home (absolutely no idea how I managed it without falling off), and waved at my wife as she drove off.
So as you do, I took a few selfies with the dog (which did not turn out very well, surprisingly!) and opened the front door for some fresh air.


Missus and daughter come back to find the front door wide open and the dog on the doorstep wondering what the f*ck is going on, and my feet sticking out of the bathroom whilst I'd gone to sleep hugging the toilet after bringing the contents of hell up out of my stomach.

So I woke up, they laughed at me, we had a bit of friendly banter, my daughter went upstairs and the missus carried on the banter.
So, still in a friendly, joking manner I uttered the words "F*ck off wifey" and looked up.

To see that my daughter hadn't gone upstairs and was standing right next to "wifey"!!!

Once I hauled myself up I got on the sofa and said I'd go up to bed in a minute.

I woke up at half past three!

Thursday was just a write off. I got sent home from work, threw up even when there was nothing to throw up, a headache to rival a Justin Beiber concert, and what was surmised by most people as alcohol poisoning due to the stupid amount of shots we drank in the space of 30-45 mins.

I managed to stick my head in the bar today without heaving, just long enough to do a stock check and see we actually managed to make a profit, which is always nice.

Drank lots, regretted it.

I didn't even mention the beer pong...

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 02 Oct 2017, 14:14
by Kwacky

Next day puking is never a good sign

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 02 Oct 2017, 14:22
by Cavetroll87
Man, ha going so hard you get sent home from work, that is going some! Top work!

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 02 Oct 2017, 14:58
by C00kiemonster
:D :D

Your living well there. You in the dog house or is that all ok now?

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 02 Oct 2017, 17:23
by Deegee
Cavetroll87 wrote:Man, ha going so hard you get sent home from work, that is going some! Top work!
Getting sent home from the British Military for being drunk is worthy of Merit Itchy!

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 02 Oct 2017, 17:30
by Itchy
C00kiemonster wrote::D :D

Your living well there. You in the dog house or is that all ok now?
Surprisingly, I had quite a lot of sympathy from Mrs Itchy.
She made sure I had a glass of water before I passed out. (Didn't drink it but the thought was there). She made me a brew and a bacon sandwich at lunchtime(Got halfway through the brew and 3 small bites of the sandwich before giving up).
She asked how I was several times throughout the day, made sure the kid's weren't too loud when they got back from school, made me dinner (which I managed to keep down) and perhaps most surprisingly let me play on the PS4 from 8 until 1130 in the evening because the lads wanted to do a session.

Either I've got the world's most tolerant wife or she's having Leroy round when I'm at work!

Re: What are you drinking?

Posted: 03 Oct 2017, 09:06
by kiwikrasher
Ha ha ha, th FB post makes so much more sense now and the quality of the typing more understandable and quite frankly impressive!