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Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 12 Sep 2016, 19:07
by duke63
They came on when we slowed for the horses and maybe one other time i saw it too so perhaps it was just you doing it.

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 12 Sep 2016, 21:42
by Kwacky
I deffo did it for the horses. It's not a fault

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 12 Sep 2016, 22:11
by duke63
No wasn't suggesting it was a problem.

Some cars do it when under heavy braking as a warning to following vehicles. Just thought perhaps your bike does it.

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 12 Sep 2016, 22:18
by Kwacky
Nah, the bike is as simple as the rider :D

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 09:06
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:Nah, the bike is as simple as the rider :D
and the rider has been known to flash people on occasion too ;)

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 10:29
by Kwacky
The brake light was occasionally working this morning, so either a connection is loose or the switch is playing up.

I've ordered a switch. I'll change it anyway and have a look when I swap it over to make sure there are no other issues.

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 13:40
by Cav
If it is intermittent I would suggest fluid ingress in the electronics. I'd start looking at the back of the bike by the brake light itself and work forward as it seems to be the dirtiest

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 13:51
by Kwacky
It was left outside without a cover for a couple of nights. It rained all Friday night so that's a likely explanation. However, the brake light works fine using the rear brake so I'm going to start at the other end.

I did have a look for some contact spray this morning before I left for work but couldn't find any.

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 15:43
by Cav
If I were you I'd start using vaseline.... for the connectors :D

Once you've got it working apply vaseline generously to any exposed conductor or joint but be aware it will wash off so you'll need to do it semi-frequently

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 15:51
by Blade
Why not just make the conductor not exposed ?

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 14 Sep 2016, 08:57
by Kwacky
I'll take a look at the set up when I replace the switch. The cable comes in at a sharp angle which can't be good in the long run.

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 11 Oct 2016, 08:37
by Kwacky
The bike came up looking pretty good after the scrub and ACF50 treatment. There are a couple of chips in the paint on the tank I want to get sorted.

A few of the cheap parts have rust on them, like the front brake line holder on the mudguard, the clip holding the lid on the rear brake fluid pot and the rear tension bar on the rear calipe. Otherwise the bike is doing well apart from where I've chipped the paint on the wheels putting on and taking off the security chains.

Now done over 23,000 miles.

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 11 Oct 2016, 09:34
by Cav
Kwacky wrote:Now done over 23,000 miles.
The bike is barely ran in!! ;)

I haven't checked the mileage since Catalunya but I'm pretty sure it's about to tick over 30,000 if it hasn't already

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 11 Oct 2016, 09:45
by Kwacky

I got called a weekend rider last Sunday by some bloke walking past the parked bike. I let it go, this time.

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 11 Oct 2016, 09:45
by Cav
Lol.. if he has a bike he is clearly a Harley rider - once a year kinda guy

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 11 Oct 2016, 09:52
by Kwacky
I wouldn't mind but Kingfixer's bike looked like he had been off roading - it was covered in mud.

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 11 Oct 2016, 16:56
by duke63
Did you sort the brake light switch OK?

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 11 Oct 2016, 16:58
by Kwacky
It's had a Kwacky fix. The switch was working fine, but one of the cables had worked loose. It's worked since I gave it a waggle so I'm hoping that's all it was.

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 12 Oct 2016, 10:46
by Kwacky
This thread reminded me I've not changed the bulbs.

Some H7 night breakers are on order

Re: 2014 Kawasaki Z1000SX ongoing review

Posted: 19 Oct 2016, 09:16
by Kwacky
Front tyre is starting to go off. I reckon it's got about 1,000 miles left on it but you can feel the difference now that the tread is wearing low. There's a decent amount of feedback from the front, despite the cheap suspension, so it's not an issue and the tyres give me warning of what's going on.