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Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 10:26
by Cav
It's just highly frustrating knowing that I won't be able to buy a house for years and years on my own. My girlfriend is disabled and is subsequently unreliable to hold down a job so she has limited income.

It all stems down to everything increasing in price but wages don't go up to match it.

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:05
by Blade
That is not acceptable that your gf is not treated fairly by employers. She is as reliable as anyone else and should be treated as such. Hope she gets better treatment soon. Being treated unfairly for a disability is clearly not on.

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:10
by Cav
Thanks, Blade.

She has M.E so she can't guarantee that she will be well enough to work every Tuesday or for 8 hours at a time. Ideally she needs 2 or 3 four hour shifts that are flexible. Trying to find an employer that is able to do that is impossible. Even charity shops don't want to know (and obviously they're unpaid)

I've put a lot of time into trying to find her a suitable job and she has put more hours than I can contemplate into it. There's nothing suitable sadly

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:17
by Blade
Sorry to hear this Cav but glad to hear she has a decent guy like you to support and help her.

Employers are getting better with flexible hours and working from home these days so hopefully something should come up soon.

Alternatively can she start her own small buisness from home and prove all the corporate doubters wrong by being an amazing success which with drive and determination I'm sure she would be.

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:26
by Cav
She does have a small business but it's far from a money maker. It's more to keep her occupied.

She has significant anxiety and depression symptoms so she is working on all of this for the foreseeable.. It's just horrible to see someone who is so happy and selfless be overwhelmed with something invisible.

Positive thoughts and silver linings are what I try to surround her with but it is exhausting at times. Fingers crossed she can transfer some of the bad stuff to good stuff and build herself back up :)

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:37
by Blade
Genuinely sorry to hear this Cav. I hope things improve soon. And stay strong buddy she needs you but always feel comfortable to rant on here if things are getting YOU down. Can't be easy for you and it's always good to talk buddy (y)

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:41
by Cav
It's appreciated! :)

On the whole the two of us are very strong and supportive of eachother but obviously I have my own personal issues and if we are both feeling down at the same time then stuff can get messy.

Anyway, thanks bud :)

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:44
by Blade
No worries bud stay strong. Good community spirit on here.

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:45
by Cav
I can tell!

I've been wanting to explore North Wales for a while so we should all meet up next year some time..

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:46
by Blade
Sounds good I have some good routes ;)

Mid week is best to avoid unmarked BMW's

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:47
by Kwacky
Wales is a given. A few did regular trips to the North. I'm happy swinging central and south wales as well.

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 12:12
by Cav
Kwacky wrote:Wales is a given. A few did regular trips to the North. I'm happy swinging central and south wales as well.
Newtown - Crossgates is good!

In south wales it's definitely quieter on a Saturday - on a sunday you must obey the limits otherwise you are very likely to get a ticket

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 12:20
by Blade
A483 know the road well (y)

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 12:22
by Cav
I've never been to Aberwysthithchskawifmas... [Ah-burr-whist-with-f] however you spell the bloody word. It's meant to be a good road

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 12:28
by Kwacky
Chepstow, Brecon, round that way is decent as well.

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 12:31
by Rossgo
Cav. Hope your missus can find something. It's awful not having something to keep your head ticking over. Sure something will just fit into place just takes time to find an employer who is offering the right contract

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 12:31
by Rossgo
I hear Wales. I'm in!!

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 12:33
by Cav
Chepstow-Usk-Abergavenney is my normal route, very enjoyable.

Well I'm up for pretty much anything so we'll have to plan something next year

Re: Hourly pay rate of...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 14:37
by Rossgo
Definitely next year for me too far for a ride out as days are too short now! Used to drive up to Aberwythseth all the time as a mate was at uni there so I would use it as an excuse for a weekend away and a drive on some fab roads. Personally used to love it at night as there were no coppers...well apart from once , huggers spotted me and a mate...prob heard us actually and followed us...they turned their lights on...guessing they had a call as was expecting them to pull both of us haha!!