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Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 30 Jul 2020, 09:32
by Monty
D41 wrote:
duke63 wrote:I am on an FB group about living abroad. Its amazing the number of Americans who cannot believe Brits gave up the right and option to freely live, work and travel to anywhere in the EU. They say they would give their eye teeth for that right.
To be fair, it's also amazing the number of Americans who think Europe in it's entirety consists of only London, Paris, Rome, and Venice. And probably Italy too. (facepalm)
No, no it’s not. At least not from here.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 20 Aug 2020, 08:00
by duke63
The reality is now starting to bite hard with the UK.

You cannot leave the EU and expect to keep all the same rules that you want to keep and dump the ones you don't. We now have no say on anything that happens in the EU.


Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 20 Aug 2020, 09:12
by Kwacky
Seeing how many u turns this government has been taking do people really think the EU will be interested in our tough talk and threats of final demands

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 20 Aug 2020, 09:23
by Cav
This is exactly the problem. The people who were voting leave thinking, "we used to be so powerful" didn't realise that we have a bunch of limp leeches running the country these days.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 24 Aug 2020, 18:21
by Kwacky
Oven ready

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 24 Aug 2020, 18:53
by duke63
How the British people are going to regret Brexit ever happened.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 24 Aug 2020, 21:17
by Cav
But not publicly.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 25 Aug 2020, 08:22
by StMarks
duke63 wrote:How the British people are going to regret Brexit ever happened.
Cav wrote:But not publicly.
I really hope you're right Cav.

However, as I've consistently stated from the start of this subject, -I can foresee the fallout from the ramifications of this move causing enormous social upheaval & unrest, to a level that we've not seen since Cromwell.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 11:27
by Kwacky
The head of the UK Legal Department has quit over the PM's Brexit proposal to amend the Withdrawal Agreement.

Sir Jonathan Jones is the 6th senior Whitehall official to resign this year. He's been in the role since 2014.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 12:53
by D6Nutz
The US will refuse to sign a trade deal if Boris Johnson reneges on protections for Northern Ireland in the Brexit agreement, a senior Congressman is warning.

The consequences for unpicking the deal – risking the return of a hard border in Ireland, Brendan Boyle said – would be the breakdown of talks with Washington, as well as Brussels. ... 13813.html" onclick=";return false;

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 20:38
by C00kiemonster
Read the rest of the thread. An excellent summary.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 12 Sep 2020, 11:07
by Kwacky
It's going well then

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 18:44
by Kwacky
The EU and the UK are publicly arguing on Twitter.

This is a very bitter divorce.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 14 Sep 2020, 13:09
by D6
its the kids that suffer

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 23 Sep 2020, 08:33
by duke63" onclick=";return false;

And to think the pricks in charge are still saying No Deal is good for Britain. Might be good for their personal pockets with their hedging funds but its not going to be good for the majority in Britain.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 23 Sep 2020, 08:52
by Kwacky
The government will blame the EU and supporters of Brexit will believe them.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 23 Sep 2020, 09:01
by duke63
Hopefully Johnson and his cronies will be gone soon and some common sense prevails.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 23 Sep 2020, 09:04
by Cav
Trouble is, if they go we're still left with incompetence from WHOEVER takes over and we're still left with remnants of an already sh!t country with barely anything else left to be happy about.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 23 Sep 2020, 09:18
by Kwacky
If Johnson goes Gove will take his place. He's Cummings' main mate.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 23 Sep 2020, 11:14
by duke63
Could place this in eother of Brext, Covid or political thread. The fact remains Johnson is a bumbling fool wiith a huge sense of self importance.

Britons and the Tories will regret making him leader.

“However, when the prime minister is an indolent man for whom the exercise of power is a recreation or an indulgence rather than a duty; when his ministers with few exceptions lack the wit and the experience to exercise judgment and common sense satisfactorily; and when we have a political class for whom ambition outweighs a sense of public service in almost every case, dealing with this already highly taxing problem becomes nearly impossible....

....Those who knew Johnson from his life as a journalist, and as a Mayor of London who needed eight deputy mayors to do his job adequately, knew he lacked attention to detail, and had a modus vivendi of bluster and braggadocio designed to conceal the fact that he was lazy, selfish in the extreme and capable of a breathtaking lack of professionalism. Such people were told that none of this mattered because Johnson, in Downing Street, would surround himself with brilliant and capable people who could do his job for him...

...There are wider political considerations to be addressed. One is whether, since crises such as this can spring up without warning, it is ever sensible for a prime minister to pack a cabinet with people who so supinely agree with him and his all-powerful adviser, and who are so personally weak and motivated by ambition that they struggle to put the needs of the country before their own. Mrs Thatcher didn’t do this; nor Tony Blair; nor Harold Wilson; nor Churchill. It is the mark of a weak man to surround himself with the callow and the instinctively obedient; and when problems occur, such people lack the self-confidence and ability to tackle them.” ... tastrophe/" onclick=";return false;