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Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 12 Dec 2016, 19:35
by Kwacky
Gen 2 Pokemon in eggs from today.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 13 Dec 2016, 10:27
by Kwacky
A couple of the santa hat wearing Pikachu have popped up in my nearby list but I've not seen one yet.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 13 Dec 2016, 12:00
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:A couple of the santa hat wearing Pikachu have popped up in my nearby list but I've not seen one yet.
Jess had a go at one this morning but it ran away. Probably because she was to busy doing a screen capture to show off (giggle)

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 13 Dec 2016, 12:36
by Kwacky
So far this morning I've had 5 Mr Mimes show up and a Magikarp take 8 pokeballs before running off. It's not a good day.

On the plus side I've got a 10km with less than 1km left on it so that should pop tonight.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 13 Dec 2016, 23:26
by Kwacky
That 10km egg was an Electabuzz. Balls.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 14 Dec 2016, 08:05
by Kwacky
Happy Christmas

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 14 Dec 2016, 20:49
by Kwacky
Hatched a load of eggs recently, all crap. The 10km one was Scyther and the 5km eggs were drowzee, staryu. bellsprout, cubone and sandshrew.

I did catch a 999 CP Krabee and my first wild Rhydon

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 15 Dec 2016, 06:47
by kiwikrasher
Got a ditto from a pidgey today. Barely played it, about 10 min max.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 10:04
by Kwacky
You've just got back from a long swing, I'm sure you've got much better things to be doing with your time.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 23:40
by kiwikrasher
Sure have ;)

Did manage to get a couple of Christmas pikachu yesterday while out buying the kids Christmas pressies.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 23:45
by kiwikrasher
Jess just evolved one of her Christmas Pikachu and got a Christmas Raichu.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 23:48
by Kwacky
Dead phone so I can't hatch any eggs, which is a bit shit

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 22 Dec 2016, 09:43
by Kwacky
I've had no eggs from Pokestops in over a week now. I'm down to my last 5km egg (the last two were crap - 5km are the worst)

Lots of the Christmas Pikachu kicking about though

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 31 Dec 2016, 22:34
by Kwacky
My pokedeck has just gone to to 239 after I spotted a new Pokémon at a gym.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 01 Jan 2017, 14:07
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:My pokedeck has just gone to to 239 after I spotted a new Pokémon at a gym.
You're a bit slow, did that Boxing Day :P

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 01 Jan 2017, 16:41
by Kwacky
I rarely look at the pokedeck to be honest.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 03 Jan 2017, 08:28
by Cav
Caught 132

Latest additions include Venusaur, Charizard and a few other final form pokemon.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 03 Jan 2017, 09:52
by Kwacky
I've got some new ones from eggs. A couple of Igglybuff's from 2km, a Togepi from a 5km and rather disappointingly an Elekid from a 10km egg.

Not seen a Charizard apart from in gyms. I've been trying to collect enough points to evolve a Charmeleon, I'm currently on 78.

I've had loads of those Christmas pikachus about.

Finally got a Lickitung from an egg. so Pokedeck is now showing caught 139 seen 145. A nearby gym has had a Tauros and a Kangaskhan in it from the same person, so I suspect some cheating has been going on there.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 04 Jan 2017, 22:22
by Kwacky
Caught a 1183 CP Rhyhorn outside my house.

9 more charmander candy needed for Charizard.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 06 Jan 2017, 22:33
by Kwacky
Had a 10km egg hatch into a Smoochum

Which I'm not happy about as it's a baby Jynx.