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Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 21:04
by kiwikrasher
D41 wrote:Of the major news corporations, I'd say most of them are trying their best & do a fairly decent job of it, most of the time.

I take it back, you really are a comedian

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 21:15
by StMarks
duke63 wrote: **** me, Trump is a stupid thick twat isn't it? Who would put an idiot like him in charge of their Country??????

In fairness, he (also) may be a conniving duplicitous narcissist, but I don't believe Boris is stupid. The bumbling is primally an act, and the buffoonery is image & publicity.

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 21:16
by D41
kiwikrasher wrote:
D41 wrote:Of the major news corporations, I'd say most of them are trying their best & do a fairly decent job of it, most of the time.

I take it back, you really are a comedian
Yep. That's about the reaction I expected.

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 21:29
by Cav
..comedian and psychic

Can we all just get along.. seriously.

Getting more than a bit fed up of people not giving anything when it comes to a discussion; their side or nothing. Times are shit right now and the last thing we need is one of our happy places tarnished.

People aren't "showing their faces" in here at the moment because they've lost their job or are facing hardship and low mood levels and it's no wonder they don't come here when people are getting their man thong in a twist over something that doesn't affect their day to day lives. Just get on with it and if you're bored find something to do !!!

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 23:35
by kiwikrasher
Cav wrote:..comedian and psychic

Can we all just get along.. seriously.

Getting more than a bit fed up of people not giving anything when it comes to a discussion; their side or nothing. Times are shit right now and the last thing we need is one of our happy places tarnished.

People aren't "showing their faces" in here at the moment because they've lost their job or are facing hardship and low mood levels and it's no wonder they don't come here when people are getting their man thong in a twist over something that doesn't affect their day to day lives. Just get on with it and if you're bored find something to do !!!
Fair call Cav, and I agree my reply to D41 was childish.

The point I was trying to make, albeit badly, was IMO anyone that thinks mainstream media strives to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth are deluded. At best they purposely sensationalise items of news, this I have experienced first hand with some military events I have been involved in, and natural disasters I have been involved in support of clean up and recovery. At worse it is once again my opinion the news is twisted and presented in a way as to control the masses into a certain pattern of thinking for financial and political gain.

It is also my opinion, the D41 is well aware of these situations and doesn't exist within the 2 dimensional existence he sometimes tries to portray, but makes comments under this guise to get a rise out of the forum members.

I shall no longer take the bait, and will stick to the bike related threads from now on.

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 00:18
by D41
Not so fast.

What is this "two dimensional existence" of which you speak??

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 08:23
by Cav
D41 wrote:Not so fast.

What is this "two dimensional existence" of which you speak??
Dude... take a seat for a minute and topping topping yourself up with 50p everytime it runs out.

Kiwi, it wasnt aimed at anyone specifically I'm just fed up of seeing people causing unnessecary shit for us all to add on to our "deal with it" lists

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 08:31
by C00kiemonster
Cav wrote:
D41 wrote:Not so fast.

What is this "two dimensional existence" of which you speak??
Dude... take a seat for a minute and topping topping yourself up with 50p everytime it runs out.

Kiwi, it wasnt aimed at anyone specifically I'm just fed up of seeing people causing unnecessary shit for us all to add on to our "deal with it" lists
Agreed. Some people need to have a long hard look at themselves and get on with building their own lives, not knocking others.

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 09:51
by StMarks
Cav wrote:..Kiwi, it wasnt aimed at anyone specifically I'm just fed up of seeing people causing unnecessary shit for us all to add on to our "deal with it" lists
C00kiemonster wrote:...Agreed. Some people need to have a long hard look at themselves and get on with building their own lives, not knocking others.
Ok, well if it's not Kiwi then,,,,
If it was aimed more at me, then I apologise. However I feel can justify all my last posts in this thread as fair contributory & not intended as inflammatory.:
StMarks wrote:
D41 wrote:And still, no-one has mentioned that at the end of the day, this man hid behind children, and committed suicide as a coward.
No one on here has stated that, at least partially because the only evidence available to us would be hearsay.
I personally take a very reserved view of such embellishments. ;)
I have first hand knowledge of operations that were presented into the mainstream media & history with a very different light to the true situation of the operations.
StMarks wrote:
D41 wrote:It's not really "hearsay" though, is it? It's first-hand knowledge from the troops on the ground that carried out the operation.
Hearsay would come from a third party & be unverified.
Kwacky's the solicitor, so will be able to correct me if I'm mistaken.? -As I understand it, Hearsay is a description of a situation that is obtained from a third party, rather than from the person directly. As no one on here was present at the assassination of that loathsome man, no one on here can comment without their source being hearsay. Rather than explain ^this, I felt a facepalm smiley would suffice & less likely to inflame an argument.
StMarks wrote:..In fairness, he (also) may be a conniving duplicitous narcissist, but I don't believe Boris is stupid. The bumbling is primally an act, and the buffoonery is image & publicity.
I will be the first to criticise Boris for actions he takes that I believe are flawed, however I like my criticism to be based on fact as I see them rather than (what I perceived to be) populist ad hominem propaganda. Hence I "defended" BJ for balance, not purely to be argumentative.

I better go & change my thong now.. (smirk)

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 10:12
by Monty
**** snowflakes (rolf)

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 10:22
by Kwacky
I find the more sensitive types online to be more to the right wing side of the political spectrum. They also tend to be the quickest to use the snowflake term.

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 10:33
by Monty
Totally agree, and they really struggle with sarcasm and irony

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 10:47
by Cav
As I say St Marks, not aimed at any specific individuals, just the messages which are clearly aiming to antagonize.

My stand point in politics is left side of central but not as far left as Corbyn. Dont know who that puts me in bed with

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 10:51
by Kwacky
Comrade Monty will tell you that makes you a tory ;) (lol)

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 10:58
by Monty
Er no, Comrade Monty will tell you Corbyn is left of centre. All of his policies are pretty normal middle of the road policies in Scandinavia and most of Europe.

Show me one that isn't?

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 14:39
by duke63
Looking at the front page of the Mail this morning, it appears they are shitting themselves that Corbyn might win.

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 14:48
by Kwacky
I hope he does. I'm not a fan but he's going to be much better for this country than Johnson.

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 15:04
by StMarks
So what precisely is wrong with Jo Swinson then, you two.?

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 15:07
by D41
Cav wrote:
D41 wrote:Not so fast.

What is this "two dimensional existence" of which you speak??
Dude... take a seat for a minute and topping topping yourself up with 50p everytime it runs out. take a seat.
I was asking KK a direct question...not you, nor anyone else. And the phrasing made it fairly obvious it was tongue-in-cheek.

Re: Syria, Immigrants and world politics.

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 15:19
by Monty
StMarks wrote::?
So what precisely is wrong with Jo Swinson then, you two.?
Maybe start with her voting record as that's a matter of public record and not an opinion. When she was a minister in coalition with the Tories she voted with the wip more than ass hats like Gove! She actually out Toried Gove!

She's trying to make everyone believe she's something new, a bright new exciting future. She's not, she's just more of the same which is why the establishment like her.