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Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 12 Feb 2016, 21:42
by Deegee
Having a rare junk food evening, pizza and homemade southern fried chicken, whilst watching (and eating) Chocolat and drinking pastis & water.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 10:17
by Blade
Need inspiration for taking your better half out for a slap up meal ;)


Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 10:19
by Rossgo

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 01:40
by TonyB
Had fois gras as a starter earlier for dinner. Currently lay awake with indigestion. It was a very nice but very rich meal.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 09:16
by C00kiemonster
I won't eat fois gras. Have you seen how they farm the animals and produce it? Barbaric.

There is a growing movement in France to ban it and that's where most of it is from. :(

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 10:57
by kiwikrasher
C00kiemonster wrote:I won't eat fois gras. Have you seen how they farm the animals and produce it? Barbaric.

There is a growing movement in France to ban it and that's where most of it is from. :(
Had no idea what that even was till I googled it, now I wish I still didn't.

Being a diver I refuse to eat at a restaurant that serves shark fin soup, used to piss my ex off no end.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 11:03
by rocket
Last night had a lovely romantic curry with my boyfriend

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 12:14
by Deegee
Eating toasted crumpets and cheese for a late breakfast, stuffed roast pork later on, that should keep out the chills.

Completely agree about Foie Gras, I'm sure it tastes sublime, but I couldn't bring myself to eat it - similarly, crated veal is off my menu as well.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 16:18
by TonyB
I'd never had it before lastnight. When in Rome and all that....

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 17:03
by Deegee
Roast pork was fantastic and Mrs Gee did sticky toffee pudding for dessert, she also made me a salted caramel sauce to go with it - her and mini gee have a regular caramel sauce, to say it was gorgeous would be an understatement of the grossest proportions. Am feeling very fat and full right now.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 18:43
by Blade
The missus is out so it's a lads night in.

What else could it be, steak and beers (y) No school tomorrow so kids should be ok :? But if not their mam will be home by time it gets messy (giggle)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 11:02
by dogbot
The meek.

Because there's never gonna be enough space.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 11:07
by Kwacky
I had roast pork again yesterday, then my wife complained about the hassle of doing a sunday roast. My suggestion she takes us all out on a Sunday didn't go down too well :D

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 13:37
by Kwacky
The joys of having a roast are the left over meat sarnies the next day.

Trying to be healthy and I've had some raisins, an apple and a banana. There's a packet of pistachio nuts though calling out to me.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 13:40
by dogbot
Unsalted nuts are really healthy... they contain lots of fibre and the sort of fats the body can process easily. Good snacking...

They're not unsalted, are they?

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 13:43
by Cav
I just had a portion of last night's chilli. Was lovely and giving me a warm feeling in my belly

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 13:46
by Kwacky
They are unsalted, but it' a big bag and I'll do the lot.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 14:07
by dogbot
Kwacky wrote:They are unsalted, but it' a big bag and I'll do the lot.
"He's more nut than man, now"


Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 14:14
by Kwacky
Thank you Obi Wan :P

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 14:18
by dogbot
No worries, Darth "I'm having ALL the nuts" ;)