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Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 10:15
by DaytonAndy
kiwikrasher wrote:Thanks guys, was trying to keep this under wraps but unfortunately that innocent comment of Rossgo's hit a very raw nerve.

Currently on a 'trial seperation', living 10km down the road in a 2 bedroom cabin, not a bad little place actually, nearly brand new and fully furnished. I have the kids nearly full time when not at work so that keeps me sane. Not sure what the future holds, may work out, may not. It was my decision to move out, but we both decided to try this prior to making any permenant decisions. I'm not going to be one of those guys that slags off his ex wife, she's a good person and a great mother, just we don't seem to be the right people for each other. This has been on going since around the time I disappeared from the forum a few years back, so it just got to a point I had to break the cycle.

Worst bit of being down here is no phone line so my only internet is 3G!
Kudos on doing the right thing! Hopefully in the future, even if things don't work out with your ex as you would have wanted, you have laid the base for the kids to see how parents and adults should behave. When some relationships break down the parents can't even be civil to each other :@

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 13:00
by Monty
kiwikrasher wrote:Thanks guys, was trying to keep this under wraps but unfortunately that innocent comment of Rossgo's hit a very raw nerve.

Currently on a 'trial seperation', living 10km down the road in a 2 bedroom cabin, not a bad little place actually, nearly brand new and fully furnished. I have the kids nearly full time when not at work so that keeps me sane. Not sure what the future holds, may work out, may not. It was my decision to move out, but we both decided to try this prior to making any permenant decisions. I'm not going to be one of those guys that slags off his ex wife, she's a good person and a great mother, just we don't seem to be the right people for each other. This has been on going since around the time I disappeared from the forum a few years back, so it just got to a point I had to break the cycle.

Worst bit of being down here is no phone line so my only internet is 3G!
Sorry to hear that Paul, testing times for all especially the kids. My bro is going something very similar at the moment and he's currently sleeping in his van at his yard. To make matters worse he's on EE and the 3G signal is terrible!

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 13:26
by rocket
kiwikrasher wrote:Thanks guys, was trying to keep this under wraps but unfortunately that innocent comment of Rossgo's hit a very raw nerve.

Currently on a 'trial seperation', living 10km down the road in a 2 bedroom cabin, not a bad little place actually, nearly brand new and fully furnished. I have the kids nearly full time when not at work so that keeps me sane. Not sure what the future holds, may work out, may not. It was my decision to move out, but we both decided to try this prior to making any permenant decisions. I'm not going to be one of those guys that slags off his ex wife, she's a good person and a great mother, just we don't seem to be the right people for each other. This has been on going since around the time I disappeared from the forum a few years back, so it just got to a point I had to break the cycle.

Worst bit of being down here is no phone line so my only internet is 3G!
Not much more I can say that's not been already said. Sometimes mental pain can be a lot harder to deal with than physical. All the best I hope things work out for you all.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 13:48
by Perkles
chin up kiwi ,it sounds like your doing the right thing long term

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 22 Jul 2015, 19:08
by Itchy
Shit, man.

Not much I can say to that.

Message me if you need a chat anytime.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 22 Jul 2015, 22:41
by kiwikrasher
Thanks for the support guys. Been a bit of a rough week with the kids. Think the reality has dawned on them and that's it's not just a holiday here. I've been pretty crook with a throat infection that bad I was winching at every spit swallow, and you know how kids sense a weakness. To her credit the missus called in and helped out one night knowing I was struggling.