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Re: Bendy phones

Posted: 04 Oct 2014, 09:31
by Rossgo
I have been watching YouTube vids on this and to be honest what do people expect from it all, do they expect things to be indestructible?! Why don't they just buy cases for their £500 + phones ...I have it cost £2.50 and its pretty tough. When it looses its life then I won't have a problem spending another £2.50 to replace it!!

Re: Bendy phones

Posted: 05 Oct 2014, 16:31
by D41
This stuff p*sses me off....I swear, I have an HTC First that I had for months and it was pristine....why?....because I take care of stuff.....lend it to some chick overnight and it comes back all smashed up....frickin' ridiculous!!

Have an "I-Phone 5S" right now, whatever that is....I don't like it very much, even though it was $700 or some crap (I didn't pay anything like that....mine fell off a lorry)...the HTC was more intuitive, but then again I only make a few calls & texts...I really don't use my phone very much at all.

But I have to have it on me, LOL.