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Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 07:30
by C00kiemonster
Spudda our thoughts are with you guys today and always on our minds. She's a strong girl and will get through this. I hope today passes quickly and it all goes well. (y)

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 08:16
by D6Nutz
As others have said, I hope today goes well and Mrs spudda is well looked after post op.

Not only does she sound like an amazingly strong woman, but she has an amazingly strong family to support her. Thoughts from the nutz household will be with you all today.

P.s. I don't think it's wrong to be thinking about getting the bike out.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 10:36
by Monty
Good luck today Spud, hope all goes well. And yes get out on that bike, nothing clears ya head better.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 13:50
by Spudda
Still not out of theatre. She didn't leave the ward until 10:20 but with the anaesthetic and the length of the op, she's still showing as in theatre.
I've been asked to ring around 3'ish

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 13:56
by Kwacky
I hate coming out of GA. It's a horrible feeling.

My daughter on the other hand bounced straight out of it and was eating toast within 30 minutes.

Glad to hear the op went ahead though. It isn't nice expecting a procedure then having it cancelled.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 16:57
by Spudda
I've just had a phone call from the surgeon who was pleased to tell me that the operations went well and as expected.
And that she's now in recovery before being moved on to the ward.
He's going to speak to her in the morning with a view to sending her back home

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 22:13
by kiwikrasher
Good to hear mate, all the best for the recovery

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 01:39
by D6
My best thoughts are with you all and hope she has a fast recovery

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 02 Jul 2015, 21:57
by Spudda
Update time ...

Op was last Friday and she came out on the Saturday afternoon following a double mastectomy and a rebuild. 6.1/2 hours in theatre :(
She is currently recovering and relaxing at moms which is about 5 miles away and she's been there since coming out.

The rest is certainly doing her good as she becomes brighter and stronger everyday

I've now got hair envy as hers has come back and mine never will (doh)

She has still got some drains in but it looks like 2 can come out but the other 2 are showing no signs of slowing down.

But all being well, she should be back at home on Tuesday next week - that's if she can drag herself away from her moms :?

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 02 Jul 2015, 22:01
by duke63
Glad to hear it all went well, Spudda.

Still a lot of recovery to do, i suspect, after an op like that.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 02 Jul 2015, 22:16
by Tricky
good to hear things are going ok mark. thoughts are with you all.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 02 Jul 2015, 22:39
by Kwacky
Good news.

How are you doing?

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 03 Jul 2015, 00:16
by Spudda
I'm doin' ok thanks mate ... just a little burnt out but my work have been golden with regards to time away, as long as I tell them on a weekly basis what my schedule is likely to be

This week has been a tough week what with getting the Spudlets up and ready and Spudlet 1 having a few days at his new senior school before starting in September

Friends and family have all chipped in having the Spudlets after school and feeding them

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 03 Jul 2015, 01:45
by Blade
Glad to hear the op went well Spudda and your wife is growing stronger day by day which is great to hear.

The op must have been a huge mile stone in the treatment so hopefully things are becoming better all the time now.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 03 Jul 2015, 09:04
by bb41
Excellent news , I'm so pleased recovery is going to plan. I'm sure with every day that passes you all will be getting stronger

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 03 Jul 2015, 18:38
by D6Nutz
As others have said. Glass she's doing so well. Also glad to hear your holding up well and have good support from work.

How are the spudlets fairing? It must be really tough for them as well

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 03 Jul 2015, 23:38
by Spudda
D6Nutz wrote:
How are the spudlets fairing? It must be really tough for them as well
In fairness, the last week with her being at her moms, they have been golden.
Silly things help, things like emptying their own school bags and lunchboxes, making their own beds.

The weather has helped as well as theyve been able to burn their energy in the garden or with friends after their parents have picked the Spudlets up from school

The 'palming them off' has been a great help

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 16 Aug 2015, 21:07
by Kwacky
How's she getting on Spudda? Have things settled down now in the Spudda household?

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 01 Sep 2015, 23:54
by Spudda
Sorry I havent replied sooner ...
She is now 8 weeks post op and about 90% recovered ... or she was (sweat)

One of the surgical implants has become infected and no matter how much antibiotics theyve given her, it wont go away
so theyre operating again tomorrow (wednesday)

Theyre having to remove the implant, take away the nastyness and reapply a new implant.

Obviously shes very upset as she was hoping to go back to teaching in the new term but still very determined and treating the 2nd op as a new process on the road to recovery

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 01 Sep 2015, 23:57
by Mac
Thoughts and prayers to your wife, I know this has to be frustrating and painful for her. Hope the op goes well and she makes a quick recovery (y)