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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 18:41
by Blade
Kwacky wrote:That GS is very industrial looking.
I think it looks better with spoked wheels

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 18:43
by Blade

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 18:48
by Blade
I'll write a better review later if people are interested in one, but here's the short version.

If you want an adventure bike that can whisk you around Europe, efficiently and in relative comfort the GS is a good bike.

If you want a bike that does all the above, is exciting, engaging and has genuine sportsbike slaying ability and puts a huge grin on your face, and brings the hooligan out in you, buy a Multistrada 8)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 19:10
by Kwacky
That's completely different to the one you posted though. That grey doesn't suit it.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 19:11
by Blade
Kwacky wrote:That's completely different to the one you posted though. That grey doesn't suit it.
Yes I agree, that's why I said it's better looking with spoked wheels (wasntme)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 19:14
by Kwacky
It's a much better look.

Not the best looking red white and blue adventure bike with gold spoked wheels but it's a decent effort ;)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 19:26
by Cav
Just applied to switch energy suppliers and should save around £300/year.

Our fixed tariff ended a while back and every couple of months I would check our rate vs our current supplier's best rate vs best rates on the market. It never paid to switch.

Anyway, I haven't checked it for 4 or 5 months, bit of spare time this evening (I do NOT know what to do with spare time - it is alien to me!) so I took a meter reading, submitted that and checked again.

£300 !!!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 20:25
by D41
The first one!
A gazillion spokes look great until you have to clean them.
Plus the gold wheels set off the rest of the colours & make them pop a bit.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 21:51
by kiwikrasher
D41 wrote:EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!

Looooooong one.
Everything ok where you are mate? Looks like it was a pretty serious one

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 22:22
by D41
Yes, thanks.....looks like they're calling it at a 6.4 at the epicenter....which is at Ridgecrest/China Lake....that's over 150 miles away. 6.4 is REALLY serious, rather than major (7.0+).
Lasted for about a minute & a half....which is an eternity.
They're predicting another, larger quake may follow. Be nice if they told me when.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Jul 2019, 22:30
by Blade
Stay safe D (y)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 05 Jul 2019, 01:27
by kiwikrasher
D41 wrote:Yes, thanks.....looks like they're calling it at a 6.4 at the epicenter....which is at Ridgecrest/China Lake....that's over 150 miles away. 6.4 is REALLY serious, rather than major (7.0+).
Lasted for about a minute & a half....which is an eternity.
They're predicting another, larger quake may follow. Be nice if they told me when.
Yeah mate, being from NZ which was created from the tectonic plate fault line, very aware and experienced with earthquakes and their magnitude ratings. NZ is nicknamed the ‘shaky Isles’ and in school we did equate drills as regularly as fire drills.

Let’s hope any further ones are deep and not too destructive.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 05 Jul 2019, 22:01
by D41
Doing nothing's 80F, which is plenty warm enough for me, but it's muggy as can be....I'm working up a good sweat just sitting still. Kind of day where you take a shower, towel down, and two minutes later you're soaking wet again.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Jul 2019, 04:26
by D41
And...another big quake just now...8.22pm.
A "roller"....lasted @ a minute.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Jul 2019, 07:04
by Deegee
The news here is quoting it as a 7.1, but in the same area as the first one. Doesn’t sound the place to be right now....

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Jul 2019, 07:11
by StMarks
Yep, and our news is saying that they come in clusters & that the first ones are not usually the most powerful ones.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Jul 2019, 07:12
by Blade
Not good pal. Is it bad where you are?

Are they expecting more?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Jul 2019, 08:28
by D41
There'll be more, but they should be smaller from now on. I think.
They said after the first that there would another, stronger quake within 36 hours and they were spot-on. Felt like the house was afloat is the best way I can describe it.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Jul 2019, 08:39
by D6
Blimey must be weird.
Wonder if it knocks motorbikes over. That would be annoying. Obviously apart from the more serious possibilities

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Jul 2019, 09:52
by kiwikrasher
Took the kids to a medieval fair. It’s on yearly at the local show grounds, but I’ve never been before. Actually really enjoyed it. Talked to the blacksmith, upset the juggler because I asked if he was the village idiot :D , ate turkey drumsticks, perved at all the cosplay chicks, watched jousting and laughed at the kids beating the shite out of each other with foam swords and shields.