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Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 24 Jun 2020, 23:07
by duke63
In all honesty I don’t think they really know how to test for it. And let’s be honest every step this Government has taken has been useless in the extreme. Our testing is the worst in the western world and they still continue to lie about it.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 24 Jun 2020, 23:23
by Blade
Congratulations and hope your GD continues to be healthy and happy in her family home.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 25 Jun 2020, 14:30
by D6Nutz

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Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 28 Jun 2020, 23:06
by kiwikrasher
While Aussie has been doing pretty well in controlling the spread, seems Victoria went to early on lifting restrictions compared to the other states and is having a significant second wave and are talking about full lockdowns again.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 29 Jun 2020, 07:44
by duke63
Leicester is heading the same way here.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 29 Jun 2020, 11:59
by Cav
What's everyone doing to try and remedy the isolation, lack of motivation and all round selfishness created/highlighted by this coronavirus?

I was discussing this earlier with a colleague and he brought it up. Life at the moment feels like we are the animals captive in a zoo, only able to look through the window at passers by.

Today is also my first day back at work after a week off and I'm also into the 2nd week of my anti anxiety/depression meds but I am certainly struggling more than I was last week.

This isn't a cry for help, I'm just intrigued as to what you all do. I'm going to go and sit by the canal again this lunch and do the "5 things" exercise as it does help with mindfulness.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 29 Jun 2020, 12:10
by D6Nutz
It's funny in an odd sort of way, but my challenge is probably the opposite of most peoples now.

I've spent most of lockdown out and about, I was either working at Morrisons or running. I focussed my running on trail so I could get myself out of the way of the majority of people and the moaners round here that thought you shouldn't be out at all.

Now my new contract is totally remote, so I'm now primarily housebound with just the running / cycling to get me out of the house. I need to keep focussed on the outside world and hope things like running club open soon or I'm in danger of becoming very isolated.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 29 Jun 2020, 13:41
by D41
Cav wrote:What's everyone doing to try and remedy the isolation, lack of motivation and all round selfishness created/highlighted by this coronavirus?

I was discussing this earlier with a colleague and he brought it up. Life at the moment feels like we are the animals captive in a zoo, only able to look through the window at passers by.
Not much, to be honest, Cav......I enjoy a bit of solitude - I'd be quite happy if lockdown went on indefinitely. No people to deal lines in the store, there's next to no traffic around here,'s feckin' great as far as I'm concerned. It's really only the stupid bloody masks that are a nuisance.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 29 Jun 2020, 15:50
by Perkles
Cav wrote:What's everyone doing to try and remedy the isolation, lack of motivation and all round selfishness created/highlighted by this coronavirus?

I was discussing this earlier with a colleague and he brought it up. Life at the moment feels like we are the animals captive in a zoo, only able to look through the window at passers by.

Today is also my first day back at work after a week off and I'm also into the 2nd week of my anti anxiety/depression meds but I am certainly struggling more than I was last week.

This isn't a cry for help, I'm just intrigued as to what you all do. I'm going to go and sit by the canal again this lunch and do the "5 things" exercise as it does help with mindfulness.
I am throwing myself into work and getting out on my bike plus building the heap of shit I have in my garage :D
I used to suffer with terrible and anxiety and depression Cav ,stay busy so you cant ruminate is the best approach (y)
if I feel it creeping back in and cant control it I immediately ask for professional help ,its no shame to do so (muscle)

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 29 Jun 2020, 16:10
by Cav
Perkles wrote: I am throwing myself into work and getting out on my bike plus building the heap of shit I have in my garage :D
I used to suffer with terrible and anxiety and depression Cav ,stay busy so you cant ruminate is the best approach (y)
if I feel it creeping back in and cant control it I immediately ask for professional help ,its no shame to do so (muscle)
Part of my problem is that I don't allow myself time to chill and when I do, I'm unable to. I don't mind not chilling but I know it would be good for me if I did.

Yeah I have no shame in it either, I just feel like a burden in doing so which I know is daft. It's asking for help which has gotten me onto these meds. Usually I'm anti-medication if I know what is causing something but in this case I feel like my life is getting better but I'm actually getting worse.

I do have a trackday booked which I'm looking forward to. I also need to clean the bike and helmet still after Cadwell Park which I find relaxing. I just don't think the weather will hold today.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 14:37
by Jack ... ly-deaths/

I am no academic but as far as I can tell as of june 30th there have been 2162 deaths that can be directly attributable to Covid-19 , in their own words all the other deaths show "no positive test result was received for COVID-19, but COVID-19 was mentioned on their death certificate. "

I would suggest that this whole thing is a complete load of bollocks , we have effectively turned the world upside down and screwed our economy for something that is not as bad as seasonal flu .

Or am I missing something ? Please inform me if I am .

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 14:45
by D41
I think the danger is very real...I think the hysteria surrounding it is overblown.
We're like deer in the headlights at the moment.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 16:04
by D6Nutz
Jack wrote: ... ly-deaths/

I am no academic but as far as I can tell as of june 30th there have been 2162 deaths that can be directly attributable to Covid-19 , in their own words all the other deaths show "no positive test result was received for COVID-19, but COVID-19 was mentioned on their death certificate. "

I would suggest that this whole thing is a complete load of bollocks , we have effectively turned the world upside down and screwed our economy for something that is not as bad as seasonal flu .

Or am I missing something ? Please inform me if I am .
You missed a bit on your quote:
stats wrote: The total announced file is updated daily and contains information on the deaths of patients who have died in hospitals in England and either tested positive for COVID-19 *or* where no positive test result was received for COVID-19, but COVID-19 was mentioned on their death certificate.
So it was either a black and white result of COVID-19 or there was an indication that COVID-19 may have had an influence on the death of the patient.

COVID-19 is more dangerous than the seasonal flu, but not because of the pure numbers involved. We have the ability to vacinate against the seasonal flu, and if we didn't the death count would probably be a lot higher. We cannot (yet) vaccinate against COVID-19, we also don't know fully how the virus spreads and the demographics that are at higher risk. We also don't know how the virus may mutate and if it may cause a more potent stream of the virus. This is a few of the reasons, IMO obviously, why COVID-19 is more dangerous than the flu.

These are, I believe, amongst the reasons why the WHO are warning countries that this pandemic is far from running it's course. It's more likely to get worse yet.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 16:15
by Kwacky
We're 60,000 deaths over the annual average so far this year. I don't think that's caused by the unseasonally warm May we had.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 17:37
by Jack
2162 deaths are directly related to covid-19 - tested positive .
All the other deaths there was NO POSITIVE TEST RESULT , but COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate .
If there was no positive test results then why was COVID-19 mentioned on the death certificate ?
As far as I can reason they either had it and died from it or they didn't .
If they didn't die from COVID-19 what did they die from ?

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 17:53
by Kwacky
So what you're saying is that only 2000 people have died from Covid 19?

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 18:47
by duke63
Mother in law is currently being tested in hospital to add to her list of woes..

She has some of the symptoms and an unidentifiable (to the Doctor) virus. They were moving her from one ward to another when everyone is tested regardless to ensure it's not spread across the hospital.

I would suggest those who think its not as serious as we are led to believe, go and ask the staff who have worked on the covid wards, what they think.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 18:56
by Kwacky
I'm sure it's mentioned in this thread that the rules were changed by the government so you didn't have to do an autopsy, test for covid or even see the body to put Covid on the death certificate.

The tests have been pretty poor. They're unreliable.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 19:02
by D41
Jack wrote:2162 deaths are directly related to covid-19 - tested positive .
All the other deaths there was NO POSITIVE TEST RESULT , but COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate .
If there was no positive test results then why was COVID-19 mentioned on the death certificate ?
As far as I can reason they either had it and died from it or they didn't .
If they didn't die from COVID-19 what did they die from ?
There has been cases where people have died from other causes, have not tested positive for Covid-19, but still exhibited symptoms directly associated with it. Those in-the-know are terming it as a "comorbidity"....a new one on me.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 19:17
by Kwacky
Are you talking globally, USA or UK?