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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 17:04
by Frankie
I agree, seems they run out of ideas, so just wasted 10 mins of her on the train looking out of the window!!! Not sure where they are going to go with this for the next series.

While I am at it, I want to highlight these that I have been recording and watching.
Banshee - totty, sex, violence ha ha.... not bad story lines either.
Odyssey - very good well worth looking up and watching BBC
The Brink - Very funny, Sky Atlantic

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 20:22
by Rossgo
Ill manors. Such a hard hitting film and not the same as American Hollywood films. Not to everyone's tastes but does describe some people's current lives visually and music wise.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 21:18
by Kwacky
I've not seen that, any good?

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 05:53
by Rossgo
Yes very good. It is rough London style film , if you listen carefully enough some scenes have lyrics for sentences, you can tell a rapper/ singer has made this film (Plan B). Has a good mix of known and unknown actors in it and in my opinion they have all complimented each other. It also shows how easy it is for a youth to get tangled up into the wrong crowd. Very good in my opinion. But like I say it's not to everyone's tastes. If you watch it you have to look past the 'bruv' words and see the story unfold.

The sad thing about it is too some people this is their lives, whether born into it or forced

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 08:31
by Kwacky
I'll check it out.

Did anyone watch A Very British Brothel?

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 09:11
by Blade
Watch e1 of spartacus and enjoyed it.

Looks good. Cheers for the recommendation Jack (y)

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 12:48
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:I'll check it out.

Did anyone watch A Very British Brothel?
Recorded it. Must get round to watching it.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 13:08
by Jack
Kwacky wrote:I'll check it out.

Did anyone watch A Very British Brothel?
I did have the misfortune of seeing it , they would have to pay me - a small fortune
Blade wrote:Watch e1 of spartacus and enjoyed it.

Looks good. Cheers for the recommendation Jack (y)
Glad you enjoyed it

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 20:55
by Kwacky
Modern Family.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 22:56
by Tricky
BSB highlights.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 12:00
by Kwacky
24 hours in police custody. Last night's was about child abusers. I don't know how the police do that job. It turned my stomach listening the interviews.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 12:17
by Blade
Spartacus which is just scrapping and sagging with plenty of tits hanging out everywhere.

Dam I wish I had lived in the Roman times as long as you didn't have to be a gladiator the rest of life just seems one giant never ending orgy :P

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 12:30
by Kwacky
Life expectancy was pretty poor and you stood a good chance of dying from lead poisoning.

But the orgies probably made it worthwhile.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 12:51
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:Life expectancy was pretty poor and you stood a good chance of dying from lead poisoning.

But the orgies probably made it worthwhile.
At least you'd go with a smile :)

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 18:45
by Rossgo
My partner is out for a couple of hours this evening so I am watching Harry Enfield and chums. haven't seen this for years and years. Just as good as I remember it

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 08 Aug 2015, 19:08
by Kwacky
Moto GP qualifying.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 08 Aug 2015, 19:13
by C00kiemonster
Me too

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 08 Aug 2015, 21:35
by Tricky
shawshank redemption. old film now, but a good one.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 01:53
by R34PER
Killer Joe, surprisingly good film and I'd say worth a watch. a bit dark and twisted, not one for the family though.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 07:36
by Rossgo
Tricky wrote:shawshank redemption. old film now, but a good one.
Brilliant film. My parents have bought my partner tickets to go see it at the theatre in couple of weeks for her birthday. Should be a good play