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Re: job interview

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 16:48
by Kwacky
He can swap the tank over on the zx6r ;)

Re: job interview

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 16:57
by Monty
Perkles wrote:hes just thrown my contract at me and said it has a non compete clause stopping me going to a company in the same industry,.
fook me hes spitting feathers :)
Not worth the paper it's written on as you can prove it stops you from earning a living, plenty of precedence in the courts. Just tell him to grow up and then take the gardening leave.

Happy days, well done mate.

Re: job interview

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 18:26
by Blade
What a bellend.

As Monty says tell him to grow up and walk away from what sounds complete and utter hell.

Re: job interview

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 19:56
by StMarks
Shame that such good news had to be marred by that outburst.
I suspect that he realises that he is loosing a very valuable asset, and that not only is it down to his lack of ability to keep you contented, but your loss will reflect considerably in his future figures.
He was probably basically shocked & scared by the prospect, & his response shows his true colours. IMHO you should take it as confirmation that you've made the right decision.
Good luck mate, hope you enjoy your new role.

Re: job interview

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 21:08
by Deegee
As per other comments it proves what an numpty he really is, if he'd kept things right at work you wouldn't have gone looking, he's probably sh*tting himself as he'll have to answer why you've thrown in the towel after 20yrs to the MD or Directors.

Again as per others a non compete is unenforceable afaik, it comes under restrictive practices iirc (Kwacky?) and as pointed out prevents you earning a living, a good friend of mine had a QC acquaintance look at his before he jumped ship and set up on his own - in direct competition with his old company a few miles away, the QC said it wasn't worth the paper it was written on, so he went for it. He got a few bullying letters from his old Boss but paid for a Solicitors "Put up or Shut up" letter and has carried on to this very day in that business.

Re: job interview

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 23:16
by kiwikrasher
As others have said, you're better off out of there by the looks Perkles.

And as St Marks said its a measure of what you are worth that he's spinning off his axis.

Looking forward to hearing all the exciting goss from the new job, well the stuff you'd be allowed to talk about, I'm sure a fair amount of it is secret squirrel.

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 07:02
by Kwacky
You've got a year to steal me an H2, piece by piece.

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 07:40
by Rossgo
At the end of the day surely your allowed to work for whoever and as whatever you like a company can't stop that. Just forget about the old and think of the new now. Enjoy being able to move on to what you want to do, at the end of the day you clearly deserve it fella

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 07:50
by Blade
Kwacky wrote:You've got a year to steal me an H2, piece by piece.
Well if your filling your boots you might as well get me a 2016 Zx10r (happy)

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 08:20
by duke63
Blade wrote:
Kwacky wrote:You've got a year to steal me an H2, piece by piece.
Well if your filling your boots you might as well get me a 2016 Zx10r (happy)

Its gonna have reflectors on the forks. ;)

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 08:40
by Kwacky
They'll soon snap off (devil)

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 08:44
by Perkles
Thanks for all your support and messages it has helped me keep a level head,yesterday was a stressful day

I found out today all of the paint on kawasaki bikes is applied by robots ,its cleaner,faster and more evenly applied than a human can achieve
I start a robotic programming training course on the 16th of September and will visit the factory in October,cant wait :)

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 08:46
by Kwacky
Can I come?

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 09:07
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote:Can I come?
A; Not until she tells you she is...

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 09:51
by Rossgo
StMarks brilliant comment!!

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 09:52
by Rossgo
Perkles really enjoy the course not long now. Have a great trip mate jealous isn't the word for what I'm feeling now hahaha!!

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 14:01
by Blade
Where baggy trousers for the factory visit, you can get more stuff in them ;)

Re: job interview

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 15:57
by duke63
Or wear a lead suit.

Japan are turning all their nuclear power stations back on this month.

Re: job interview

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 08:38
by Perkles
walked in today and they have closed my email account ,not sure what i am going to do for the next three weeks
I think they are going to make this as uncomfortable as they can for me,cant wait for a beer tonight :)

Re: job interview

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 08:59
by Kwacky
Put your feet up and read the papers.