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Guy Martin

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 10:10
by Kwacky
Part of me likes the way he has a go at various things but another part of me thinks he would be better off in a circus. Motorcycle racing seems to be low down on his list of priorities.

That Wall of Death thing was very gimmicky in my opinion. I presume there's a TV executive somewhere thinking up of various shit they can ask him to do and he simply goes along with it? It's almost like getting the simple kid in school to do the stupid stunts and to ask the teacher the sort of questions that'll get him into trouble.

Re: Guy Martin

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 10:13
by Perkles
hes living the dream earning a packet , good luck to him

Re: Guy Martin

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 10:14
by C00kiemonster
I agree entirely. Awful program, padded out from 45 mins tops to 1hr 45 with that idiot of a Welsh presenter. He spoils the F1 on C4 too.

Re: Guy Martin

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 10:19
by duke63
Andy Spellman is his agent/manager. He has worked in F1 and was a TV producer.

Don't disagree with perkles though. far better than doing some shit 9-5 job like we all have to do.

Re: Guy Martin

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 11:45
by Deegee
I may be wrong but I suspect someone, somewhere, has had a heart to heart with him and told him if he didn't win a TT on that Beemer last year he was never going to, that same conversation probably went on to point out that fame/notoriety is a passing thing and if he wanted to be set for life, he'd best get a shovel and start digging into the TV money. After all if someone was daft enough to pay him big money to mess around doing silly stuff (and still getting world records), why not take their money?

Fair play to him, no one makes you watch and he's making a few quid out of a TV channel that blows millions on rubbish programmes (ref Noel Fieldings last offering). Someone's gonna get rich why not him?

Re: Guy Martin

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 14:16
by Blade
Why do so many people expect Guy Martin to set bike racing higher on his priority list.

He's doing what he wants, how he wants, having a good time and earning a good living honestly. What's so wrong with any of that ? I wish I could do the same tbh.

Re: Guy Martin

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 15:08
by Cav
I take my hat off to him.. first time I took any notice of him was at my Grandad's house when Guy was rebuilding a canal boat. His personality is strong and it's difficult to not like the bloke.

I do feel like he can't be putting his all into bike racing with all of the stuff he does but if I could do what he does I would. I don't get all the hate for him either (in general, not in here). He's a nice guy with a love for all things engineering, he's got a mint Volvo and a genuine skill for anything hands on.

Re: Guy Martin

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 19:02
by Tuffers
I think he's very likeable, fair play to him. Is he still a truck mechanic? If he is he obviously can't devote every second to racing anyway.

Re: Guy Martin

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 21:45
by rocket
I enjoyed it better than 90% of the garbage they put on telly.

Re: Guy Martin

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 14:03
by Rossgo
I like him and I like what he does. We all live to have fun and in my honest opinion he is doing things that very few people will ever get the opportunity to do whether that be racing or presenting/ starring on telly and having fun while doing it and I think he is doing the programs he actually has an interest in and wants to do.

Maybe people will get fed up of him but until then he is making some dosh and I hope he's putting something aside for when the jobs stop coming in and he's not silly like most of these people who end up bankrupt. 95% of telly is pretty piss poor but we still pay for it (telly licence, sky, Virgin etc) so it's nice to see something that is of interest!

Re: Guy Martin

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 23:44
by D41
I agree with what seems to be the general consensus....end of the day, it's his life...let him live it on his own terms..not someone else's...he has the opportunity to take advantage of a lot of different avenues...let him do it.....he can not and will not be a bike racer forever.