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World War III

Posted: 14 Nov 2015, 23:14
by Blade
Has it started ? Are we already in the thick of it ?

Sounds a bit dramatic I know. And perhaps that's because we naturally compare any vision of what WWIII would be like to what we have experienced with WWI and WWIII.

But if you stop and think the world as a whole is suffering attacks from a common aggressor. There have been attacks targeting Russian civilians in the recent Egypt airplane explosion. French attacked 3 times this year, Australia in recent times and of course London with the 7/7 terror attacks.

I unfortunately think things are going to get alot worse before anything gets any better and this is going to be a long and harsh war. I hope I'm wrong I really do.

Re: World War III

Posted: 14 Nov 2015, 23:59
by duke63
Western governments and/or Russia could wipe out Isis tomorrow if they really wanted too.

I don't know the actual reasons why but I'm sure there are deals that go on in private between governments which ordinary people would be shocked and saddened by if they knew about them.

Re: World War III

Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 00:07
by Blade
But wouldn't there be unacceptable losses to innocent civilians as ISIS are embedded in civilian areas.

Genuine question Duke as I don't know.

Re: World War III

Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 00:11
by Kwacky
We don't give a shit about the locals. We're worried about soldiers on the ground being captured and tortured online.

Then we've got the fear of any civilian deaths being used against us, as well as any backslash from local groups and the risk of Muslim none Muslim conflict in western countries.

We could win a war but not the PR campaign.

Re: World War III

Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 16:59
by Cav
I'm pretty sure ISIS/IS/ISIL are the rebels that our government were financially and tactically helping before they changed their allegiance and helped the Syrian Government instead.

Simple question - How on earth are they operating so organised and with so many weapons? They are more than just a rebel group, they have clearly had military training.

I too believe WWIII is underway already. I hate that it is our soldiers that get hurt and not the people that lead us into this mess.

Re: World War III

Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 17:21
by Kwacky
ISIS are very well funded. They get money from Saudi and run a very good fund raising campaign, which includes selling oil from the areas they've taken. Many of the weapons they have are from Iraq police and army who ran when it all kicked off.

As an organisation they're well laid out.