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Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 10:54
by Cav
It absolutely hammered down with rain on my drive in, couldn't imagine doing that on the bike again..

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 11:12
by Kwacky
Provided I'm kitted up I really don't mind riding in the rain. It causes you to plan ahead, which is only a good thing.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 12:48
by Cavetroll87
I agree with Kwacky that I normally quite enjoy riding in the rain provided I'm kitted right up, only thing I don't like is the m25 in the wet between junctions 1 and 3, said it before but the road surface is awful and just holds standing water making it very dodgy, other than that I enjoy the challenge of it, being smooth.

Although much less eager to do it now I don't have a designated winter bike....

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 12:59
by Cav
If it's a joy ride and I get caught I don't mind.. this one time I was chilling on my way home and the ground was saturated, some guy came past on PR4s (you can tell because of the weird look to the tread from those mini-sipes) and I thought to hell with this.. lets have a play.

So there's me on my ruined SC1 Supercorsas from the Donny trackday and Im keeping up with him. After a couple of miles I figure I'll pick up the pace a little bit so I pass him and proceed to slide the bike around every corner possible and off the exit from roundabouts. So immature (being 21 at the time) but such a great feeling. Strangely I wasn't cold on that ride! haha

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 13:07
by Kwacky
I did that recently with a car and me on the Street Triple. I almost highsided coming off a roundabout (facepalm)

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 13:35
by Stonesie
Pulled it out of the garage
Washed and dried it
Cleaned and lubed the chain with dry lube
Put it away again.

I'm only on a lonnng lunch break so it's back to the grind soon.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 18 Aug 2017, 08:53
by Kwacky
I took a different long way home last night. The roads I used must have gotten popular with bikers, as there are loads of "Ride Safe" posters along the route and most of it has been reduced to 50mph and double white lines.

Bastards ruin our fun.

I was going to take the street triple into work today, but it's supposed to piss it down this afternoon.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 17:26
by D6Nutz
Took the KTM out and put some new tyres on it, then went to a couple of bike shops to check out luggage options. They are very limited.

On the way home I forgot I was supposed to be scrubbing the tyres in (blush)

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 17:42
by Kwacky
Top skills.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 17:58
by Stonesie
Today I replaced the useless power outlet that everything falls out of with an Ebay special USB outlet with a volt meter.. Random pic of someone elses.


It powers the sat-nav just fine and should charge the phone at the same time, 4.2A at 5v is only 21 watts so the factory fuse is fine (2A at 12v is 24 watts)
With just a weedy 2A fuse a tyre inflator couldn't be used anyway so it's no big loss.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 20:54
by Scuff
I actually rode my bike |(

Took a trip over to Cadwell to watch qualifying which gave me the opportunity to try out my new seat (seat no. 4 ) , its a reworked seat by motorcycle seat works and first impression's weren't great as it felt like it's reduced the distance from seat to footpeg but by the time i got home I'd warmed to the improved comfort ... i may use the ergo seat for shorter rides and save the reworked one for longer rides.

A sunny pic of Shakey doing his thing ...


Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 17:43
by Rossgo
It was nippy out there this morning. I had to do my jacket fully up to keep myself warm after work!

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 08:33
by Kwacky
Grey skies, cold wet roads, leaves on the floor. Urgh. I'm not ready for autumn.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 15:30
by kingfixer
Moved the 600rr this morning and the front tyre was virtually flat, I only put air in it a couple of weeks ago so looks like a slow puncture or a dodgy valve. Also took the 999 out for a quick ride yesterday after faffing on with the gear linkage as something had been very loose, it ran perfect.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 17:50
by Blade
Looks like your gelling with the Superduke Nutz 8)

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 18:14
by D6Nutz
Blade wrote:Looks like your gelling with the Superduke Nutz 8)
I'm loving it mate, the only complaint is it's a little too easy to go a bit to quick (bandit)

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 21:09
by Kwacky
So we take it you're not missing the RSV?

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 08:42
by Blade
Nice one Nutz. Great bike

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 08:42
by Kwacky
Horrible misty ride into work this morning. It was rally thick in some places.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 09:35
by D6Nutz
Kwacky wrote:So we take it you're not missing the RSV?
Only on dual carriage ways when you want to get a wriggle on. I miss the fairing.

Apart from that, nope. It was a good relationship with the RSV, we did a lot together, but the time to change was right.