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Posted: 17 May 2016, 14:54
by Kwacky
Got my first post deleted and my first Facebook warning. After all these years they're offended by a photo of female backside.

Dead babies, beheadings, the aftermath of accidents or gunshots - that's all fine.

Re: Facebook

Posted: 17 May 2016, 15:38
by D41
How does that work?? Never really had Facebook....had an account to, look up an ex, found she was married and paid it no more attention....the current GF's 'friends' are big on me NOT having FB....but never really gave it any mind, TBH.

Re: Facebook

Posted: 17 May 2016, 15:43
by Monty
It's just for nosey people that don't have a life or get out much. I use it all the time!

Re: Facebook

Posted: 17 May 2016, 15:58
by Kwacky
There's an account with the initials D.P. that seems to crop up on my "people you may know" page, so I reckon D41 is still FB stalking ;)

Re: Facebook

Posted: 17 May 2016, 16:20
by TonyB
I signed up today to follow a guy that posts up accumulator bets on bet365. Megans brother in law won a large amount of money doing it. Talking 6 figures from 1 accumulator bet. I'm not much of a better and know my limits so not as though I'm going to get hooked. I'm adding no friends or following nobody else because I'm an anti social bastard

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Re: Facebook

Posted: 17 May 2016, 16:23
by Kwacky
You can share the bets though ;)

Re: Facebook

Posted: 17 May 2016, 19:25
by D41
Kwacky wrote:There's an account with the initials D.P. that seems to crop up on my "people you may know" page, so I reckon D41 is still FB stalking ;)
Nah.....when I joined FB, I didn't understand the whole concept of the thing, so I just used a username, which apparently gets you about as far as "Who the fcuk is this??" by means of a response.

TBH...I still don't really get the concept....who fecking cares if ..."I'm eating french fries right now. LOL"..."I'm really pissed ATM."...."Starbucks is really busy at 8.00am....why IS that??". It's total anathema to me.

I wish they'd be "I'm about to shoot myself in the head while I jump off this skyscraper!"....I would totally LOLZ at that one.

Re: Facebook

Posted: 17 May 2016, 19:28
by TonyB
Kwacky wrote:You can share the bets though ;)
The guys page is 'Free Football Tipster' Image

Re: Facebook

Posted: 17 May 2016, 19:31
by Frankie
cant believe it, I am in a closed group for photographers, got invited in, just posting snaps, there are some really really good shots, very professional, well in fact they must be, anyway, there are some great artistic nude shots being posted at the moment and not getting pulled,,,,,ha ha...

Re: Facebook

Posted: 17 May 2016, 20:39
by Deegee
I'm pretty much the same as Tony tbh, I've got an FB account but really only to access Pinterest more easily, I'm also an anti-social type. (tmi)

@ Frankie & Kwacky, you must know the only difference between Art and Porn has always been how much it costs....

Re: Facebook

Posted: 17 May 2016, 21:26
by Kwacky
Deegee wrote:
@ Frankie & Kwacky, you must know the only difference between Art and Porn has always been how much it costs....
You want to tell that to the security guard who kicked me out of the V&A for enjoying some of the art too much

Re: Facebook

Posted: 19 May 2016, 18:52
by TonyB
Deegee wrote:
@ Frankie & Kwacky, you must know the only difference between Art and Porn has always been how much it costs....
And if it's in black and white it's art. Even close up kebab shots.

Re: Facebook

Posted: 19 May 2016, 19:01
by D41
Re> porn. Who was it who said something along the lines of "You don't necessarily know the difference, but you know it when you see it"...?

Re: Facebook

Posted: 21 May 2016, 08:45
by Rossgo
Kwacky wrote:Got my first post deleted and my first Facebook warning. After all these years they're offended by a photo of female backside.
[FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY] that is clearly hardcore porn!! Did it show a little more than an arse!!?

I think their priorities are messed up, the things that get posted can get very extreme. Over the last 6 months I've seen so many articles over animal cruelty, infact there was a couple of brother who beat to death their old age bulldog which was posted up originally on YouTube, how the feck didn't YouTube get involved and pull that video straight away. It's sick.

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Re: Facebook

Posted: 21 May 2016, 08:47
by Kwacky
Nope, it was just a naked bum.

Re: Facebook

Posted: 21 May 2016, 09:36
by Rossgo
Facebook police mate!! Haha!!

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Re: Facebook

Posted: 21 May 2016, 15:29
by D41
How long was the vid up for, Ross??

I must admit I have no idea what YouTube's terms are for that sort of thing. They can't monitor everything, so surely they don't react and delete a vid. until a complaint is received...and someone liable to look up "Dog Getting Beat To Feck, Etc." isn't the sort to report it??

Re: Facebook

Posted: 21 May 2016, 18:18
by Rossgo
I haven't an idea how long it was up for but surely there's ways of seeing new videos up, YouTube is owned by Google, Google have hundreds of millions of pounds coming in, I'm sure they can find a way of being quicker on the uptake, it's their bloody job at end of day. Who the feck would look-up dog being beaten to death? Seriously some people need their heads caved in and even that's probably too good for them, makes me sick

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Re: Facebook

Posted: 21 May 2016, 18:31
by D41
I think because if one person has thought of matter how sick and depraved it may be....then someone else has too. People feed off this helps them to justify their sickness, if only to vilify themselves in their own mind's eyes.
Remember that what we think & know to be sick is 'normal' to's a mental deficiency.

Or something like that???

Re: Facebook

Posted: 22 May 2016, 07:19
by markrsvr15
I would no how to even work it not on it :D