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Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 07:55
by duke63
More americans have been killed on their own soil by their own people since the start of the first world war than have been killed in all the wars the US has ever been involved in.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 07:56
by Perkles
Its ok though guns are great

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 08:29
by rocket
Perkles wrote:Its ok though guns are great
and totally safe 8-|

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 08:51
by Kwacky
D41 wrote:@ Kwacky.

I didn' was pushing a somewhat tiresome agenda, and one I've heard many times before.

You really do need to watch that clip. Because everything you say is addressed in it. Even the Pro NRA guy clocks what he's saying is wrong.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 13:31
by D41
Fair enough. I'll give it a watch a bit later.

Still early hours here, and even urban ninjas need to do their laundry from time to time. I put MMA-chop folds in the bedsheets.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 14:43
by D41
OK....watched it.

You've got a haranguing journalist who thinks he's a comedian. Careful editing to show more people mocking the man being interviewed than the interview itself...which, by the way, shows in no way that they were actually posing that stupid response without prior postulation, or even to the actual responses the man was giving.

It was an entire set-up, and nothing more, but undoubtedly far from an accurate assessment.

But I'm biased and know nothing, I know.

I'd love to know how far anyone of you would go to defend/protect the lives of your loved ones. Would you take a bullet for them?? Would you even think twice about it?? Have you??

If you can answer yes to all three questions....most importantly the last one, then you'll understand my position. It's entirely reactionary, designed to counter any potential threat, not confront one....although the option for that remains.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 14:53
by Kwacky
That's a stupid question. My life means nothing if I wouldn't put it before that of my wife and children.

But again, that supports my argument. I'm glad I'm in the position where it's highly unlikely I would ever have to face a person with a handgun.

P.S. Whether you like that clip or not, the point remains that the NRA guy realised he's lost the argument when he compares guns and drugs,.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 14:57
by D41
duke63 wrote:More americans have been killed on their own soil by their own people since the start of the first world war than have been killed in all the wars the US has ever been involved in.
What does that mean?? The US didn't even enter The Great War in 1914, so the figures are skewed from the off.

And we manage to limit war casualties (which are to be expected), against random acts of violence in flagrant breach of judicial control??

Couple of years in a multinational war versus 100 years in the civilian sector?? It's not a good comparison.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 15:01
by D41
Arms trafficking and drug trafficking are linked very strongly....if only by the fact that they are both highly illegal, and both brought in from over the US/UEM border.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 15:49
by kiwikrasher
regardless of the way that clip was delivered D41, the facts remain the facts. Gun control works. It's not about removing all the guns but controlling who gets to use them and how. Yes criminals will have weapons regardless of the legality of them, but the general public having less access has been proven to reduce the deaths and injury rate overall. We are by no means free of gun crime or problems here in Australia, but the risk is immensely reduced.

The argument "is it's in our constitution" is pointless. It needs changing. The reason it was in there in the first place isn't relevant now. And it's an "amendment" so don't use the argument it can't be changed, it's a change to the constitution itself!

I'm not anti guns at all. I grew up with them as my Dad hunted regularly. I was shooting before I went to school. I was reloading ammo shells with fresh powder and projectiles by the age of 8. I was in a gun club and competed in Small Bore Rifle competitions as a youngster. I did numerous weapons training courses while in the military and qualified as a marksman on recruit course, which entitled me to wear the marksman emblem on my Special Dress uniform throughout my 11 yrs of service. They have a purpose and their place. I don't believe the US has that balance at all.

In my opinion it's all about the money the gun trade makes. If they were free they would be controlled by now I bet.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 16:02
by Kwacky
I like Chris Rocks' suggestion - don't change the guns law but charge $500 for each bullet.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 16:11
by D41
Yes, but you also know that once an Amendment has been made to the US Constitution, it's very hard to undo.

Freedoms once granted, are seldom taken away, etc....although efforts increase in that regard to curb the spread of illegal weapons. The difficulty is that they are already illegal, and remain undeclared for the most part.

BTW.....what weapon do you favour??

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 16:45
by kiwikrasher
D41 wrote:Yes, but you also know that once an Amendment has been made to the US Constitution, it's very hard to undo.

Freedoms once granted, are seldom taken away, etc....although efforts increase in that regard to curb the spread of illegal weapons. The difficulty is that they are already illegal, and remain undeclared for the most part.

BTW.....what weapon do you favour??
A nikon.

I haven't shot at anything with a bullet in over 15 years. I don't have a firearms licence in Australia or own a gun.

When dad goes I will, but only to legally own my inheritance. A WW 1 era .303 that was owned by my great grandfather who fought at Gallipoli and Dads Winchester .207

But I did like shooting the SLR compared to the Steyr, and the SLR was better when you were still half cut on parade as at attention the butt sat on the ground and you could prop yourself up. Plus it was all wood and metal, not a piece of plastic like the Steyr.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 18:11
by D41
Yeah...the SLR has a good rep. I forget what the British Army switched to back in the late '80s....some Enfield POS or sommit that shoots the casing straight across in front of the face. Got no end of complaints from what I recall....not sure, but I think they spent a fortune reworking the design after the initial issue.

I'm trying to think what brand my backup is and for the life of me I can't remember at the moment.....?? Some .32 or something....not sure. Prolly a POS. Never really keep it around, always in a gunsafe. Somewhere.....I didn't buy it so I don't really care that much, TBH.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 18:24
by Kwacky
The SLR was replaced by the SA80, which was mostly plastic. I think that came into service in 1986. No idea who made it.

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 19:12
by TonyB
D41 wrote: that shoots the casing straight across in front of the face
Yeah, if you were a spaz and fired from the left shoulder.

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Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 17 Jun 2016, 01:03
by D41
I'm left-handed for a rifle, right-handed for a handgun. Eyesight thing....can't crook my neck over enough to fire a rifle right-handed.

It's not 'spaz''s "spetznaz".

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 17 Jun 2016, 08:35
by TonyB
If you get chance then D, fire an SA80 left handed, in the shoulder (not from the hip, I know what you 'Muricans are like) ,full mag on auto. Post photos after too please...oh, and smile for the camera too so we can see how many teeth are knocked out by the cocking handle

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Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 17 Jun 2016, 09:52
by kiwikrasher
Tony, were the cocking handles on the SA80's a pain on parade? The Steyr AUG we used the handle used to dig you in the ribs. I remember one idiot fooled the mag and had cocked his weapon while on parade. Got a good charge and extra duties from that!!

Re: Florida shooting

Posted: 17 Jun 2016, 12:43
by D41
TonyB wrote:If you get chance then D, fire an SA80 left handed, in the shoulder (not from the hip, I know what you 'Muricans are like) ,full mag on auto. Post photos after too please...oh, and smile for the camera too so we can see how many teeth are knocked out by the cocking handle Image

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Why would I want to do that?? If the weapon is idiosyncratic in ways like that, I'd just switch to right handed 'cos I'm an adroit motherf**ker!! (lol)

Stupid idea to begin teeth are all porcelain implants...well, most of them. $$$$$!!