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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 29 Feb 2016, 23:49
by kiwikrasher
Only got 4 hrs sleep yesterday ( joys of extended shift work) so about to drop into a pharmaceutical slumber of at least 8 hrs I'm hoping!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 09:37
by StMarks
kiwikrasher wrote:Only got 4 hrs sleep yesterday ( joys of extended shift work) so about to drop into a pharmaceutical slumber of at least 8 hrs I'm hoping!
I'm surprised (after all your experience of shift work) that you would need/want to employ drugs to assist your sleep Kk .??

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 13:07
by kiwikrasher
StMarks wrote:
kiwikrasher wrote:Only got 4 hrs sleep yesterday ( joys of extended shift work) so about to drop into a pharmaceutical slumber of at least 8 hrs I'm hoping!
I'm surprised (after all your experience of shift work) that you would need/want to employ drugs to assist your sleep Kk .??
I am experienced St Marks, but it's not something my body seems to 'get used too' so I do need help at times. I didn't for a long time but a couple of years back I did three night shift swings in a row (3 x 3 weeks) and when I tried to swap back after the last one my body glitched majorly, and for 11 days the most sleep I had was 3 hrs, so ended up on Temazepam. Only used it to get out of the hole.

So what I do now is coming on night shift for the first 3 nights i take half an over the counter sleeping tablet (Doxylamine succinate) and a 5mg melatonin tablet (I have to import them from the US, but great stuff, it's a natural hormone our body produces to make us sleepy).Once I'm swung around I only take them if I have a couple of bad 'days' sleep (or one really bad day) as a recovery method. They don't knock me out, just help me stay asleep. I still wake to my alarm with earplugs in and don't feel drowsy. Used to take a whole Doxy and that did, so I go a half now.

I figure minimising the adverse effects of not getting good sleep is worth the risk of my drug regimen. When I'm home I don't use them unless I'm coming of night shift and then only the first two nights as I get the kids on the 3 day and I won't use them with them in the house.

I got 8.5 hours today and I don't feel like ripping anyones head off so it's a win :D

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 13:39
by StMarks
I thought that, knowing you, it was unlikely to be an unthought out response mate. Sound logic there IMO.

Fwiw I've never (yet) had sleep issues. If I travel & change time zones (either direction) or work late shift I seem to be able to adapt straight away.
I'm pretty much certain that my lucky gift is as a result of being able to "sleep on demand". That in turn is a legacy of my previous "eternity" of sleep deprivation & constant awareness.: Sleep became the ultimate luxury, to be grabbed at whenever the opportunity arose.
Slightly worryingly, I still "enjoy" sleeping.? :^

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 13:55
by Perkles
I'm currently getting only 2 hours max sleep a night.ive just ordered some melatonin from the USA,I hope it works

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 14:07
by D6
Im in spare room. I'm getting sleep.

Katie however...

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 14:11
by kiwikrasher
Perkles wrote:I'm currently getting only 2 hours max sleep a night.ive just ordered some melatonin from the USA,I hope it works
That's not good Perks, and as good as melatonin is, you might need a bit more to get you out of the hole. Melatonin for me at least, doesn't keep me alseep but helps me get to sleep. If I use it by itself 5mg will give me freaky dreams but 10mg no dramas. Yet my mate that put me onto it, 5 mg will smash him and he wouldn't even consider 10mg. Also you do build a tolerance, so i use it sparingly and try not to go more than 3 days consecutively with it, because if you build up to much tolerance then your body won't react to your natural melatonin production and you can make things worse. But as a maintenance item I find it very useful. The other major thing to watch, is when you feel the sleepy wave come on, be ready to sleep, because if you let it pass or keep yourself busy you will miss the boat and it'll be off no use.

I get mine here

Good luck with it mate, you can't survive like that.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 14:13
by kiwikrasher
StMarks wrote:I thought that, knowing you, it was unlikely to be an unthought out response mate. Sound logic there IMO.

Fwiw I've never (yet) had sleep issues. If I travel & change time zones (either direction) or work late shift I seem to be able to adapt straight away.
I'm pretty much certain that my lucky gift is as a result of being able to "sleep on demand". That in turn is a legacy of my previous "eternity" of sleep deprivation & constant awareness.: Sleep became the ultimate luxury, to be grabbed at whenever the opportunity arose.
Slightly worryingly, I still "enjoy" sleeping.? :^
Sleep is my biggest luxury! I enjoy the hell out of it when I get a good amount!

Previous eternity? Past life or previous career?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 17:29
by Kwacky
8 hours driving to Norwich and back.

I'm shattered.

Sports massage later though so that should help me sleep tonight

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 10:41
by Kwacky
Catching up with emails after being out of the office all day yesterday.

Got lunch with the big boss today as a reward for my elevation to associate. Should be fun. I've nothing in common with him.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 11:58
by Rossgo
Haha take the free meal and just grin and nod your soon be back at the office!!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 12:24
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:Catching up with emails after being out of the office all day yesterday.

Got lunch with the big boss today as a reward for my elevation to associate. Should be fun. I've nothing in common with him.
Congrats on your promotion/elevation... I'm guessing thats going to do nothing good to your work load though. Hope that means more beans in your jar as well?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 12:50
by Kwacky
Nope, no pay rise. It's a job title really, nothing more. But it is a step I need to take if I want to become a partner.

And the lunch has been postponed until next week.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 13:22
by Perkles
being a taxi for yet another Japanese manager who fancied a jolly to the UK,I treated him to fish and chips with a pint of Guinness last night :)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 14:17
by D6
PLanning my trip to USA. Fly Monday to Detroit. Visit supplier. Fly Tuesday to Indianapolis. Visit Supplier. Fly Thursday to Los Angeles. Visit Supplier. Fly Friday home. Very tired and body clock all messed up, and lose a day and therefore a Saturday.


Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 15:37
by Itchy
Sniffing CS gas.


Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 15:37
by Kwacky
That's the wrong type of gas to sniff, ask some local chavs if you need to get high.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 15:40
by Itchy
Streaming eyes, burning skin, inability to breathe properly...

What's not to like? (lol)

And I get it for free!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 16:01
by D6
That sounds like one of my farts

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 17:17
by Itchy
In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have spent the morning's briefings pulling out nose hair's...