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On a sunday morning...

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 11:57
by Rossgo
im sure theres some of you that have...
finished or going to work...
gone out for a nice blast on the bike...
walked the dog around a nice park on this reasonably pleasant day...
or even
washed the bike/ car etc...

now me...
woke up at stupid o'clock after going to sleep as late as i possibly could due to still being jet lagged, been on YouTube, lounged in bed and bought via bloody Ebay some coat hangers lol! lazy Sunday for me i guess (giggle)

Re: On a sunday morning...

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 13:03
by Kwacky
I'm going to struggle today. Out on the beers all day yesterday, poor night's sleep and I've got the inlaws coming over this afternoon.

Re: On a sunday morning...

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 13:04
by Moonie
None of the above sounded unreasonable until I read the bit about coat hangers lol :?
Speaking as one who is monging around today waiting for MotoGP I can't fault you on anything else :D

Re: On a sunday morning...

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 15:01
by Rossgo
Kwacky good luck mate drink plenty of water before they arrive haha!!

Moonie haha I added something to my clearly very long important tasks of the day...I uploaded a bunch of pics to Facebook lol!!
Enjoy the MotoGP today :-)

Re: On a sunday morning...

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 15:33
by StMarks
Up early, popped to the Sunday Market down the road for some fresh Vegetables & a leg of lamb (from the sheep rustler guy) for supper tonight.
Then changed into my scruffs & we've been clearing some more of the winter debris & lopping back hawthorns. 4x (very) full Dumper truck loads so far.
I've made a huge bonfire in the North paddock to get rid, but now it's chucking it down so that will probably go out.
I'm pretty Knackered (& scratched to hell from the hawthorns) already, and it's only mid-day. If it stops teaming down I'll go out & get on, otherwise I'll sneak into the workshop & give my Babyblade some TLC.

Re: On a sunday morning...

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 17:10
by D6Nutz
Rossgo wrote:Kwacky good luck mate drink plenty of water before they arrive haha!!
Water? That's clearly a scenario when more alcohol is called for (giggle)

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Re: On a sunday morning...

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 18:42
by Rossgo
Haha unsure if the in-laws would appreciate a gurgling, half passed out, possibly top off, talking crap married yo their daughter fella...mind you it would be a laugh to watch it unfold lol!!