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Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 12:47
by Cavetroll87
Just needed to share this complete idiocy that happened on my commute this morning. me and a guy on a R1 pulled up at some lights together at a roundabout just off off the M25. he is in the right hand lane, me in the left.

Lights change and we both pull away (the guy on the R1 1st as I always take it slow as people pretty much ALWAYS jump the red just after it changes) but this time we both had to slam on the brakes as some guy in a mini cooper was so busy texting he didnt realise the lights had changed and ran the red light nearly wiping us both out. Complete twunt! and rather than apologising and letting us pass he then just carried on oblivious to it all.

Taking out 2 bikers in 1 manoeuvre, that is a special kind of idiot, so just be careful out their guys as im sure there are plenty more people like him out there!

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 13:00
by bb41
Years ago near where I live a woman had a car full of children (over loaded) and she was texting ,clipped the curb and flipped over central reservation into an oncoming bike and rider. All were killed apart from the woman who was txting

She was sent to prison and I believe she is now out , I hope she has flashbacks every time she closes her eyes.

I don't know how many times when out on the roads I see this or talking on the phone, and I must say it's predominantly young females

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 13:17
by Cavetroll87
That is awful. I do imagine she must have flashbacks and all I can say is I dont feel sorry for her, its really not that hard to drive and not use your phone. I manage it everyday!

I would say its about 50/50 boys and girls. Girls I routinely see driving along doing their make up in the rearview mirror. I sorta think youve spent all that time looking in your mirror and yet you still are surprised when I overtake you, stupid!

This was a guy, well at least I think it was, he seemed to have one of those rather fluffy hairstyles that seem to be in fashion that makes it hard to tell...

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 13:59
by Kwacky
It's all well and good having laws about using mobile phones whilst driving but people know they can get away with it because there are very few police on the roads.

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 15:18
by bb41
Did I hear somewhere that if you have a dash cam in your car you can use footage and send on to the police???

Unfortunately that has to cover all road traffic violations , and as in all walks of life there are surprisingly some numb nuts who are on 2 wheels :)

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 15:20
by Cavetroll87
Yeah I'm not sure I'd want all of my rides recorded lol....

I didn't do it Guv honest...

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 15:28
by Kwacky
The Police won't use dashcam footage for an offence like using a mobile phone whilst driving. The evidence isn't good enough to take to court.

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 15:33
by bb41
They will when you drag them from the vehicle and shove the dash cam and the phone up their nostrils

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 15:52
by Cavetroll87
bb41 wrote:They will when you drag them from the vehicle and shove the dash cam and the phone up their nostrils
remind me not to annoy you... (angel)

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 16:19
by bb41
Cavetroll87 wrote:
bb41 wrote:They will when you drag them from the vehicle and shove the dash cam and the phone up their nostrils
remind me not to annoy you... (angel)
It's Ok Cavetroll I'm not allowed out much without supervision

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 19:15
by Rossgo
Glad you guys were 1 step ahead of that moron driver

Annoys me people driving and talking g on phone and I notice people who are in flash Cars are the worse people who talking on the phone while driving...or van drivers haha

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 21:18
by Cavetroll87
Cheers man, yeah was a close one that one

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 21:44
by Moonie
Don't let Pitty read this thread...his pet hate, people who text/phone whilst driving! :@ He's like a one man vigilante group when we are going anywhere, in fact they'd be better off sacking the road cops and just give the job to him!!! (muscle) I think the worst thing is, even if you do challenge someone texting, they either give back a mouthful of abuse (swear) or just carry on oblivious to the danger they are putting themselves and everyone else in...gotta say, glad you guys avoided the numpty, and it makes my blood boil the idiotic behaviour on our roads...oh and all the bloody potholes... (facepalm)

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 10:31
by Kwacky
Bloke on the M6 this morning driving with his knees and using both hands to text. I gave him the international sign of the tosser and he then started sounding his horn and flashing his lights at me.

Yes mate, I'm the dickhead (facepalm)

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 10:36
by Cavetroll87
Kwacky wrote:Bloke on the M6 this morning driving with his knees and using both hands to text. I gave him the international sign of the tosser and he then started sounding his horn and flashing his lights at me.

Yes mate, I'm the dickhead (facepalm)
How dare you stick your nose in where its not wanted mate lol... People really are thick. I often pull up alongside them at traffic lights and tap on the window to let them knw what I think lol

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 10:44
by Kwacky
I did that once when I had the speed triple. Rather than stop the conversation she put her roof up. Stupid cow.

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 11:19
by C00kiemonster
It's everywhere now and bloody dangerous.

They should have phone blocking signals either in cars or on the major routes. It should disable texts and Internet and only work on bluetooth talk IMO. It can't be that difficult can it?

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 11:23
by Kwacky
Apart from being very expensive to implement it would prevent passengers and pedestrians from using those functions.

It should be a requirement for every car sold with bluetooth to have the phone and car hooked up. All too frequently I see someone in an expensive vehicle using their phone because they're too lazy or too stupid to employ the bluetooth.

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 11:31
by D6Nutz
The problem isn't limited to phones either. You would be surprised how many times I see people on the M4 during rush hour using iPads and laptops etc...

It's a major problem with the modern "connected world", people can't help but send an email to say they are going to be 2 mins late or post a tweat to moan about the traffic, which was probably caused by an accident where someone wasn't paying attention as they where tweating...

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 16:10
by Rossgo
Really can't stand it tbh.

The other day I was driving from reading and waiting at the traffic lights I saw this stupid #rick in a nice Merc racing through the lights on the other side pushing himself in past other cars...when he past me I saw him chatting on his phone...even my GF turned around and said he needs to crash and go to hospital teaches him a lesson...wasn't young either mid 40s maybe 50 possibly. Do they think they own the road or something?!