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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 01 Oct 2017, 17:25
by D6Nutz
Basingstoke half marathon this morning. Knowing I was carrying an injury in my foot I went armed with some strong pain killers and an ibuprofen spray, and I'm glad I did! Up until mile 5 all was going well, then the pain arrived. Had to stop twice within a mile to spray some pain killer and then again to sort out an irritating sock.

Somehow I still managed the route in 1:53, and it's a proper hilly route too. I recon with out the foot troubles I might be able to get under 1:50..

Now resting the foot for at least a week.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 01 Oct 2017, 19:19
by C00kiemonster
D6Nutz wrote:Basingstoke half marathon this morning. Knowing I was carrying an injury in my foot I went armed with some strong pain killers and an ibuprofen spray, and I'm glad I did! Up until mile 5 all was going well, then the pain arrived. Had to stop twice within a mile to spray some pain killer and then again to sort out an irritating sock.

Somehow I still managed the route in 1:53, and it's a proper hilly route too. I recon with out the foot troubles I might be able to get under 1:50..

Now resting the foot for at least a week.
Well done sir (y)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 04 Oct 2017, 08:48
by Kwacky
Good boxercise session yesterday. He mixed it up a bit to make sure we suffered. I did the last session without gloves on. Today I've got battered knuckles, which is a great look around the office.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 21:51
by Kwacky
another session with my PT

It was all about muscle fatigue tonight. Legs, arms, lats, traps and chest. Combinations of pause sets and light weight multi exercise sets. My arms were shaking and I was only using 5kg weights.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 22:13
by D6Nutz
I'm really enjoying a rest week, I've not run since Sunday and I won't run again until Sunday.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 07 Oct 2017, 20:16
by Perkles
Had to stop cycling but managed to walk for an hour in the park today

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Oct 2017, 11:45
by Kwacky
Boxercise done.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Oct 2017, 13:54
by D6Nutz
5 mile cross country race, feck me that was hard. My legs are well out of shape for trail running.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Oct 2017, 07:09
by Cav
I know I've been quiet in this thread for a while but here goes:

In the last 2 weeks I've lost 6.5lbs and BF% is approximately 4% lower. Due to the limited cardio I can do (basically zero) I have been doing triple set 20rep sets; I'm doing 60 reps per triple set.

Advantages of this include muscle endurance and a cardio burn effect seeing as each triple takes nearly 3 minutes to complete. TUT is very high but weight lifted is very low (10kg dumbell press for the last set).

So far so good... I'm able to see my intercostal muscles on my ribs again and where the ribs end. A little bit of ab-age is occuring too.

Target? Under 20% BF and less than 13 stone.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Oct 2017, 08:31
by Kwacky
I've lost just under 2kg in two weeks, which is good. I'm starting to get my waist back. I don't think I'll ever be an abs model for a health magazine but so long as these love handles are kept to a minimum I'll be happy.

I got blisters on my toes last night at taekwondo. Changing gear on the bike this morning was painful.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 11 Oct 2017, 08:42
by Kwacky
Boxercise last night. I made sure I got a sweat on. Some new faces who tried to prove they're big hitters. Yes mate, you hit hard, but you can only swing a few times before you're out of breath.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 21:45
by Kwacky
Legs session with my trainer tonight,.

Serves me right for starting the session by showing off with the deadlifts. I was battered after about 30 minutes so we switched to arms for a bit to let me recover.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 22:00
by D6Nutz
7 mile trail run by head torch, trail running in the dark is great fun.

Good news on the foot front, no pain for the first time in 3 or 4 weeks. Good job too as I've only got a couple of weeks until the marathon.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Oct 2017, 09:12
by Monty
Nuts, any tips on improving recovery time?

Normally run, Saturday morning (5K flat), Monday and Wednesday night (8K Hilly).

Saturday is fine, Monday is great and can sprint (my sprint) the last km. But Wednesday is awful, legs like lead and want to stop after around 50 yards!

Obviously I come from a very low base, zero exercise for the last 30 years and a sedentary life behind a desk and a steering wheel. Only started running 14 weeks ago, but is there anything I can be doing to improve Wednesday night?

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Oct 2017, 09:27
by Kwacky
Do you need to run on all 3 days? If you want to get out how about using the bike on one of the days so your legs get a work out and you're exercising, but you're giving your body a bit of a rest. If you're out on the bike you can do some short burst sprints (cycle based HITT) , which will help you overall with recovery.

Running can be hard on the joints so don't overdo it if you're just starting out

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Oct 2017, 09:53
by Cav
I agree with Kwacky.. I would find an alternative for Day 3. Personally I'd do some HIIT sprints.

You could do pyramids: 30m, 50m, 80m, 100m, 80m, 50m, 30m. It will keep your fast twitch fibres firing and give your slow twitch muscles a chance to recover while you're still training, burning calories and improving your anaerobic efficiency. It will be good recovery training also as you will need to get your breathing and heart rate under tabs quickly between sprints

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Oct 2017, 10:23
by D6Nutz
@monty your probably not going to like my answer, but recovery is what recovery is. Recovery is also as important as running the miles, if you don't allow your body the time it needs to recover between runs the only outcome will be injury.

From what you are describing it sounds simply like fatigue, this only improves with time and training. As your muscles get more used to the exercise it takes less time to recover, but then you push harder so it never actually gets easier.

Like kwacky and cav both say, some kind of cross training may help boost up your fitness and speed the recovery. Cycling is good as it not only removes the impact on joints and muscles, but also the muscle groups used are slightly different.

Other things you may want to look at are diet, a balanced diet with a good amount of protein will help recovery. You may also want to look into compression for the thighs and calves, this helps me personally on hilly runs. Don't be afraid to talk to your coaches as well if you have concerns, they may be able to offer better advice for you specifically.

TL;DR; running is hard on your body and it takes a long time for your body to get used to it. Don't try and rush things too hard.

P.S. I've seen your recent runs on strava, your doing great (y)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Oct 2017, 10:29
by Kwacky
The myfitnesspal is a great way of keeping track of what you're eating. It shows you simple breakdowns of fats, carbs, proteins etc so you can adjust your diet accordingly.

I used it for a week and it showed I was eating too much sugar and carbs, even though I thought I was being healthy.

It's got a scan option so you simple scan the bar code on the food and it reads it for you and gives you the information.

You can add devices to track your exercise so it works out the calories burned and factors that into your daily intake.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Oct 2017, 10:30
by Cav
What D6 said about diet - probably the single most important part of recovery!

If a run burns 500 calories, make sure you eat approximately 3/4 of those calories as a minimum; most of those calories should come from protein to avoid your body breaking down the muscle for energy.

I don't know what your daily intake is but you will want 150g minimum on a training day :)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Oct 2017, 11:00
by D6Nutz
Cav wrote:What D6 said about diet - probably the single most important part of recovery!

If a run burns 500 calories, make sure you eat approximately 3/4 of those calories as a minimum; most of those calories should come from protein to avoid your body breaking down the muscle for energy.

I don't know what your daily intake is but you will want 150g minimum on a training day :)
Also, something I learned recently. If your going to eat after exercise you should be looking to do it within 20-30 minutes of completing the exercise. This allows your body to make the most of the nutrition.