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Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 16:29
by D6Nutz
Rossgo wrote: he needs to crash and go to hospital teaches him a lesson...
Trouble is, they are the sorts that will have a bad accident while on the phone, put others in the hospital and walk away from it unscathed. They will also walk away from any accident with 100% certainty that it was someone elses fault...

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 17:14
by Rossgo
Their just bar#tards, your right they wouldn't take responsibility for it would they. Somehow they would become the victim in it and want sympathy.

Like I have already read by yourself we really do live by our phones, it seems to be important to be able to quickly text or ring to say we're going to be late for a meeting by a few minutes or something but in reality people can just wait its not the end of the world...but it could be for someone else if they got knocked down...people don't seem to think about that though.

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 17:21
by Cavetroll87
Part of the appeal of the bike for me is being completely cut off from technology, I dont have a bluetooth headset and I very much doubt Id ever invest in one as I dont want calls or anything when Im on the bike. I want to go out on my bike and just escape. All I want in my helmet is just me and that little voice in my head that keeps saying "faster,faster,faster" BLISS...

...oh and it means I actually concentrate on what Im doing, its a win win!

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 18:01
by Bratty
Well put mate.