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I am pretty chuffed with myself

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 18:41
by T.C.
For the past 2 days I have been on a 2 day MiDAS course which is the professional qualification for minibus driver who transport infirm, disabled and less able bodied people around the area.

I won't deny, it was tough as it has been a long time since I have been the student (I am usually the instructor) or had my driving assessed outside the advanced paramiters or driven anything bigger than 5 tons.

Suffice to say, I passed the theory with 100%, apparently the driving assessor learnt a few things off me which he did not appreciate until I explained to him, and I used how to use the specialist equipment.

So a lot crammed in to a short period of time, and my brain now hurts with the studying I did and the concentration I applied, but another qualification to go with the rest and a nationally recognised one at that as well.

So as the heading states, I am pretty chuffed with myself :)

Re: I am pretty chuffed with myself

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 18:50
by StMarks
Congratulations TC, sounds like a role that may suit you quite well imho mate.

Re: I am pretty chuffed with myself

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 19:01
by kiwikrasher
good work, and sounds like it will be a rewarding role as well :)

Re: I am pretty chuffed with myself

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 19:04
by Kwacky
Well done that man. Its nice to see someone doing good stuff for others.

Re: I am pretty chuffed with myself

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 19:34
by T.C.
StMarks wrote:Congratulations TC, sounds like a role that may suit you quite well imho mate.
As in, I am also disabled, old, infirm and losing my marbles?

If that is what you are referring to, then I agree :D

I start next Wednesday and it s a complete departure from working in legal (which I won't miss) enforcement, rider training or examining.

3 days a week (which suits me) 8 -5 (or thereabouts) I go home, switch off and enjoy life. ;) :)

Re: I am pretty chuffed with myself

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 17:27
by Rossgo
Sounds perfect TC hope your first weeks went well buddy

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Re: I am pretty chuffed with myself

Posted: 03 Mar 2020, 14:48
by T.C.
Rossgo wrote:Sounds perfect TC hope your first weeks went well buddy

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I tried to reply to this yesterday. Typed my reply hit submit and everything vanished and no recovery, so apologies.

First week went OK thank you.

It is physically as well as mentally demanding as there is so much to remember. It is not just about the driving, but also the H & S elements, legal aspects, route finding and, and, and.

I know I will get used to it, but I am glad I am now semi retired and only doing 3 days a week. By Friday I am absolutely knackered but it will get easier I am sure.

I am surprised though that MiDAS has not been made a compulsory legal requirement for anyone driving a community bus. It was ntroduced as a result of a fatal crash on the M1 in 1998 when 13 school kids were killed (which I remember) but the take up on those who qualify is minimal.

Anyway, I digress.

So far so good thank you :)

Re: I am pretty chuffed with myself

Posted: 04 Mar 2020, 09:48
by Rossgo
TC I'm glad it's ok. It will get easier with time but for the moment take your time and learn the job. Enjoy the new challenges it presents

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