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Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 20:15
by Spudda
The fun adjuster and the Spudlets have sounded me out about getting a dog.

I am a dog person and I grew up with family pets and really enjoyed the walks.

Only im a little reluctant about it now as I see them as a bind. Having to get back for the dog or not being to visit places because you have a dog.
We have dog-sat for friends who went away last New Year and it was great for 3 days with the walks etc but in anything it did make the fun adjuster question the idea

I have played the trump card ...
"if you're having a dog, then Im having another bike"

We're at a stalemate :^

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 20:30
by C00kiemonster
I loved my dogs and miss them every day. But they are a big tie. It's likely your wife would end up with all the work once the novelty wears off tbh.

It's a big commitment and changes everything from the costs of holidays (kennels cost big time) through to the monthly bills and where you can go with them.

It's like having kids you can't take in the cinema or nandos :) and like kids they are the the best and worst decision you can make, but you still love them :)

For me if it spends lots of time on its own it's not fair and needs company, so I'd have two. All things to think about.

Just don't have a tiny one. Not very manly and not much use either. :)

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 20:37
by Monty
It's a massive commitment, said by someone that has 4 kids.

I'm with you though I love dogs and make sure we have a dog friendly house for visiting friends, but I'm not getting one. It's bad enough finding people that don't mind you visiting them with 4 kids, add a dog and it's over.

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 21:02
by Kwacky
I can only repeat what's already been said.

My kids do love having a dog around though and I'm glad they've grown up with a dog in the house.

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 21:15
by Blade
I love dogs and have always wanted one until recently where I'm just too busy to have something else to look after so currently have no desire for one.

When the boys are older enough to accept the responsibility of a pet we may get one as I think they can add a lot of fun and enjoyment to a family and I'm sure the boys would love one.

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 22:49
by duke63
I can make a friend of any dog but I just could not leave one shut up in the house alone for 8 hours every week day. And they are a very big consideration to take on because like having kids it will change your life in a big way.

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 23:13
by D6
I've got 4 of the ****. You can have one of them

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 02:03
by kiwikrasher
I love dogs, had two Weinmaraners in NZ. But as had been said it's a big commitment. My kids have been hassling me for a couple of years too, but the current state of my marriage has stopped the wife siding with them. I'd love them to have a dog but I'm away 40% of the time, wife works full time. We struggle after school to get thru' homework & the normal nightly routines so there wouldn't be time.

Good call on the bike, that'll either stop it or you'll have a shiny new bike to ride!

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 18:10
by Deegee
I'll second everything that has been said above, however someone has to pick up the poo out of the garden and that can also be a health concern with kids, any carpet in the house is likely to have dog hair on it unless you train it otherwise, and it'll have you out of bed at 6 on a Sunday when you're fast akip for a pee. That all being said if I was at home all day I'd have another in a shot, I love dogs and have done since I was a kid, our house always seems empty without one and the poorer for it. :(

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 19:05
by TonyB
Another dog lover here! I've been in talks about getting a dog recently too. Mine wouldn't be left at home alone as my boss is happy for me to have a dog in the van. The only thing I have to sort out is a dog sitter for holidays etc. Big commitment and will take a bit more consideration.

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 20:03
by Binno
Me and my best mate have been pals for 9 years or so now. I absolutely dread the day he is not about any more.
Yes they are a tie. But so are families and mortgages and stuff . I think alot of people's problems come from choosing the wrong breed for starters .
If they are hard to manage you love them that bit less.
If they are too big no one ever wants them overnight or while you are on hols unless they are keen dog people
Mine is a border terrier cross and for the size of house we have he is a perfect size . He also is soft as a kitten so people with kids love to have him when we go away . He also doesn't take up much room in the van

Finally. If you have a dog you always have someone to blame your farts on.

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 20:55
by bb41
I'm a bit biased as I have 6, 2 Great Danes, 2 Pugs, 1 labrador and a Terrier Cross, haven't had a holiday in years, but not just the dogs as I have 4 pigs, 20 ducks, 14 hens and a South African Leopard Tortoise.

It is total commitment but I work from home, on the odd occasion they are left and in the past couple of weeks have had to be left for 4 hours a day twice a week whilst I'm commuting to and fro from the new house.

I have even moved miles away from where I lived originally so that I can accommodate them all and give them there own land to exercise on. Thankfully Great Danes can't have too much.

A dog no matter how big or small is total commitment and not something to take on unless it's commitment from all the family.

Realistically the big ones are easier than the small ones when you have a very doggie household....needless to say I don't get many visitors

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 06:15
by Frankie
Wow, that is a full house, I love Great Danes they always look like such happy dogs :)
Duck are cool, I remember one year staying in a cottage on an estate down in the West Country where every morning at least 20 ducks left the pond outside the cottage, waddled up to our front door and started pecking on it and quacking wanting breakfast..... Was like a Duck alarm call, lol....very cute. However saying that OK for holiday fun, not sure 365 days a year would be so much fun ha ha ha

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 09:57
by bb41
I've had Danes all my life and think that I will always have at least one...sadly they are called the heartbreak breed. I have yet to get one to their 8th birthdays.

Ducks are great fun and brilliant fun but unless you have plenty of room away from the house then not a wise move as they are messy little beggars.

I am moving the menagerie in 2 weeks into a new house so will have 20 ducks in the back of my van for 90 mins, I've done it once before and it was hell with the smell and the noise.

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 19:20
by C00kiemonster
Didn't you move fairly recently? I like ducks :)

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 19:44
by bb41
Yes I did, the things i do for my daughters !!!

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 09:22
by Rossgo
Love my dog. However I have no kids and I have family memeber to be able to look after her when I'm out. My dog loves it as she gets to see many people that she loves. Sometimes feel guilty as dint get to see her as much as I'd like. but this weekend it's just me and her so we can chill together haha!!

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 19:39
by D41
I love dogs.....usually with sweet & sour or kung pao sauce and those crispy noodle things.

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 19:56
by Blade
So are you a kannibal then D ? As you are a dog eating dog (lol)

You have seen your avatar and realise you are actually a french beret wearing dog :?

Re: Pet Dog Stalemate

Posted: 06 Nov 2015, 10:26
by kiwikrasher
bb41 wrote:I'm a bit biased as I have 6, 2 Great Danes, 2 Pugs, 1 labrador and a Terrier Cross, haven't had a holiday in years, but not just the dogs as I have 4 pigs, 20 ducks, 14 hens and a South African Leopard Tortoise.

It is total commitment but I work from home, on the odd occasion they are left and in the past couple of weeks have had to be left for 4 hours a day twice a week whilst I'm commuting to and fro from the new house.

I have even moved miles away from where I lived originally so that I can accommodate them all and give them there own land to exercise on. Thankfully Great Danes can't have too much.

A dog no matter how big or small is total commitment and not something to take on unless it's commitment from all the family.

Realistically the big ones are easier than the small ones when you have a very doggie household....needless to say I don't get many visitors
Not one cat! My sort of person! :D