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Weekend plans

Posted: 30 May 2014, 08:30
by Kwacky
What's everyone up to?

Gym tonight then early to bed for me, I'm knackered.

Saturday afternoon off to Stow, then out in the evening to watch the boxing and then off to a club.

Sunday feeling ill and wondering why I decided to stay out so late.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 30 May 2014, 08:40
by kingfixer
Tonight...not a lot
sat...taking er indoors to bath as she has an appointment in a make up shop , then pm looking at the house she just bought as an investment.
Sun...most probably ripping out the kitchen in the aformentioned house etc etc etc . This what happens when you have a trade. i'll have to blow all the rust off my tools first !!!

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 30 May 2014, 08:47
by Cavetroll87
Tomorrow...Trip to pet shop to stock up on bits followed by redoing the chameleons cage as it is due a real good clear out, also the snakes need a proper clean out
Sunday...watching GP and maybe going cycling in the morning but not sure yet, nothing too interesting for me all weekend

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 30 May 2014, 12:50
by Bratty
Tonight start packing
Sat work pm bro inlaws to watch boxing
Sun work then pop to moms then home for motogp
Monday fecking off on holiday.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 30 May 2014, 16:56
by D6Nutz
Quite night tonight.
Tomorrow, check out the route for the cheddar ride and then try to get to Stow in time for a slice of cake.
Sunday, take the kids swimming in the morning and then take the eldest out in the afternoon to give Mrs Nutz a break (part of the deal for being out all day sat)

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 30 May 2014, 17:16
by Perkles
Saturday ,haircut then carve up the Cotswolds with kwacky
Sunday family day with lunch in a pub somewhere

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 30 May 2014, 18:48
by rocket
So far

Saturday gym then doing the garden
Sunday gym and then a 2 year old birthday party in the afternoon

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 30 May 2014, 21:13
by Spudda
The Fun Adjuster and the Spudlets are still in Cornwall
(beer) (beer) (beer) (beer) (beer) (pizza) (beer) (beer) (beer) (smoking) (smoking) (smoking) (smoking) (beer) (beer) (beer) (drunk) chickenstrips (yawn) (puke) |-) |-) |-) |-)

Been out on the Bike this afternoon ... watching England friendly now before going out
I suppose to be on a golf weekend but I pulled out due to a back injury at the beginning of the week so I'm out on the bike tomorrow afternoon and then poker, beers and boxing in the evening
Sunday, tidy up beofore the aforementioned FA and S's come back (n)

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 30 May 2014, 22:56
by Stew
Dunno what to do with myself this weekend, actually got nothing that I need to do, might strip my forks on the ZED or just sit on me fat arse and do nowt, been a stressful couple of weeks and need a proper chillax, might do a bit of research on novice track days, never done one tbh, I have a feeling it could become addictive :) oh yeah plus some of this (beer) (beer) (beer)

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 31 May 2014, 08:30
by Kwacky
Do a normal track day but go in novices.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 31 May 2014, 10:24
by Rossgo
Worked all day yesterday...literally!
Today in work then going home and should be painting the New place but really CBA as been working long days this week. Tomorrow painting and doing the finishing touches before start moving my crap into it ruining the place!

What I want to then sleep for the remainder of the year and still get paid for it all!

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 31 May 2014, 15:31
by Itchy
I'm supposed to be revising for a test on Monday.

But here I am, shied away upstairs having contented myself that I can blag it, whittling away on Tankslap and listening to the dog bark at the lawn mower!

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 31 May 2014, 17:05
by HeathKanga
Friday: Work
Saturday: A rare Saturday off! Went out for a ride to Wightwick Manor which is just outside wolverhampton, stopped to have a walk around the gardens & house. Had a cup of coffee & a bit of sponge cake! Back home for a takeaway curry for tea tonight so all in all a decent day!
Sunday: Work

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 31 May 2014, 17:43
by HeathKanga
Wightwick Manor, its Gardens & Cake!

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 31 May 2014, 18:43
by Kwacky
Very pretty. I don't think I've been there.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 31 May 2014, 19:14
by D6Nutz
Kwacky wrote:Very pretty. I don't think I've been there.
Nice looking bit of cake too.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 31 May 2014, 20:02
by Kwacky
It was the cake I was talking about.