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Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018, 13:16
by rocket
Ebay Fees ive stopped listing items normally. But they have been pushing £3 selling fees so when the offer comes up i bang stuff on. Sold a few bit and then the next minute £60 selling fees. **** SAKE its only on 2 items all the others have gone for £3 . £60 is **** Stupid there even charging me a fee on the p&p. I may as well have just given one of the items away IM **** MAD

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 11:33
by kiwikrasher
Went to get clearance to go to work today. My GP sent me to get an ultrasound so she could definitively say I was fit to go. Well now I’m on my third diagnosis. I’ve got a varicocele. Basically varicose veins in my ballsack. Her theory is I did have a tortion that righted itself after causing the varicocele and that been mistaken for a granuloma.

Keeping up?? I’m fecking fed up.

So referred to a urologist and can’t go to work till it’s sorted. Gave the urologists reception a sob story and got an appointment tomorrow!! That never happens!! So hopefully find out what’s what.

I’ve cooked all my sick leave and this is costing me money now.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 11:39
by Cavetroll87
blimey mate, you and your nuts! hope it gets sorted soon, you never know amputation might be the only option...…

I on the other hand am dying of man flu!

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 11:47
by Jack
Kiwi if it happened while you were on station does it not count as an industrial injury rather than sickness ?

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 11:50
by kiwikrasher
Cavetroll87 wrote: you never know amputation might be the only option
I’ve actually got to that point. They’re ornamental anyway. Happily swap the bad one out for a marble atm if it sorted it all out.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 11:55
by kiwikrasher
Jack wrote:Kiwi if it happened while you were on station does it not count as an industrial injury rather than sickness ?
Nope. Because it wasn’t related to me carrying out my job. I just happened to be at work.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 11:56
by Kwacky
Kiwi's cum face


Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 11:57
by Cavetroll87
kiwikrasher wrote:
Cavetroll87 wrote: you never know amputation might be the only option
I’ve actually got to that point. They’re ornamental anyway. Happily swap the bad one out for a marble atm if it sorted it all out.
maybe something less likely to shatter than a glass marble. something rubbery probably better mate

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 11:59
by Kwacky
When my brother had cancer they gave him a choice of sizes for the replacement bollock. "and be sensible about your choice" was the advice from the nurse :D

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 13:21
by C00kiemonster
Get some titanium ones - lightweight, strong and oh so cool.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 22:17
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:When my brother had cancer they gave him a choice of sizes for the replacement bollock. "and be sensible about your choice" was the advice from the nurse :D
Well on the ultrasound report they gave quite specific measurements of both, so I could probably get one custom made.

I like Cookies titanium idea :D

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 29 Jul 2018, 19:57
by Kwacky
Insect bites.

The wet weather seems to have flushed them out.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 08 Aug 2018, 13:34
by Cavetroll87
Really sore lip, I have this annoying habit when I feel stressed of biting my lower lip, problem is I dont even notice im doing it until I normally draw blood, truth is don't even know what I was stressed about either, all I know is I have a really sore lip today now

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 03:22
by kiwikrasher
Well got clearance to go back to work last week. But while I was there I asked her about my arm. Two fingers and half my hand has been numb for nearly a year now. Been working with the Chiro who has sorted the arm/shoulder/neck ache but not the numbness.

So off for an X-ray which found numerous issues between C4-C7, and heavy spondylosis at C6/7 which is impinging on the nerve they suspect. So now off for an MRI tomorrow

F**k old age sucks.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 08:46
by Kwacky
Lack of sleep. I woke at about 4am and couldn't get back off.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 10:39
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:Lack of sleep. I woke at about 4am and couldn't get back off.
Your missing me. I know it (makeup)

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 12:17
by D41
That's some imagery I could have done without

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018, 12:56
by D41
Have a splitting headache.....had it all night. I don't get headaches but maybe once or twice a year, so when I do they usually hit me pretty hard.

What a big softy..!!

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 00:47
by kiwikrasher
As if I haven’t got enough woes with my body I managed to arse up yesterday when climbing onto the camper (needed some camp chairs out of the roof bag for watching Jorjas netball game)

Landed flat on my back on the concrete floor of the garage. Took a good 5 mins for me to get up. Pretty stiff and sore now.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 10:11
by Kwacky
Insect bites. Little red bites. On my arms and legs. I got a couple yesterday evening then this morning woke up with a few more. My wife and my son have got them as well. No idea what's caused them. The cat hasn't got fleas.