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Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 08:53
by Kwacky
Enjoyment of a job is the biggest factor. It makes such a massive difference to your life.

Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 09:36
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote:Enjoyment of a job is the biggest factor. It makes such a massive difference to your life.
I emphatically agree with you Kwackers', feeling that your role is rewarding & valued is a prime motivator mate. (nod)

Kwacky wrote:Another day sifting through construction documents. Kill me now.

Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 09:44
by Kwacky
It's very much ying and yang with my job.

Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 16 Apr 2016, 04:50
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:It's very much ying and yang with my job.
so is mine, it' sucks when I'm here and it's great when I'm not!

Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 19 Apr 2016, 08:04
by Rossgo
Yep agreed, you have to have enjoyment in what you are doing. It's surprising how much of a difference it's made to me and my emotions it's wonderful...although I just looked at the rota and the bastards have scheduled me in for a full weekend haha not too happy with that but if it's just once a month oh well I can live with that!! Haha

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Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 20 Apr 2016, 18:22
by Rossgo
Actually missed a shift!!

I swear my roster was Thursday Saturday and Sunday instead I got called up at 1730 today (not realising until 1750 asking me where was I and I was suppose to be working!! I said it would take me around 40mins to get to work due to having to take my dog to my parents to be looked after (she can't deal with staying alone) then head to work. The duty manager said there was no point coming in as it was only for a few hours by which point I would of only worked less than 2hrs and he has sorted out cover. He did say though I need to keep my eye on the rota everyday if I was right and was suppose to work the Thursday as the rota can change.

Feeling slightly disheartened I pride myself in not being late for work and trying to do my best in majority of circumstances and missing shifts are not the norm certainly not in my book. I realise its only a part time job but letting staff down like that isn't good standards. Not good situation, although I do really hope I was right and was suppose to work Thursday and not Wednesday I would rather that than not reading the rota correctly!

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Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 24 Apr 2016, 08:11
by Rossgo
So went in last night and had full track with a bunch of teenagers. They didn't seem to understand how dangerous it all was. I think we black flagged most of them and I had to have a go at them and a few kg these guys we actually banned from going back out. It transpired s hour into the session that there were 2 teachers with them (the lady was gorgeous) and they had to have a go at them all for being idiots. I almost got ran down down a handful of them but luckily wuicly reactions and I jumped over the barrier. However one problem was I had my foot hit by not these guys but from the RD as he was moving the karts and I didn't see it's hurting I think it's just bruised to be honest as can move my foot and toes!

Same again tonight!

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Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 24 Apr 2016, 08:15
by Kwacky
No photo of the teacher?

Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 24 Apr 2016, 17:11
by Rossgo
Wish I got the phone number in all honesty [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND SMILING EYES]

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Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 11:51
by Rossgo
Went to my second job 1crew meeting last night it took around an hour and half...we were told there would be a little karting afterwards...2.5 hours later being in the karts we were walking out haha!! What a night it was great to race with the staff who know the track out of 12 of us I ended in 4th in the race being 0.5 of a second off the fastest person on track. I actually lead for around 10 laps or so all hitting 28 second laps which is pretty fast usual laps around 34 seconds on average.

EDIT. Sorry average lap times around 32 seconds. The slowest staff member was 30 seconds. The racers we get in hit around 26-28 second laps or there abouts

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Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 11:57
by Cav
Fair play.. sounds like a laugh and you don't sound half bad !!

Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 13:00
by kiwikrasher
Gotta be some perks to the job Rossgo!

Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 13:22
by Kwacky
Can you use the bike on the track? (devil)

Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 13:28
by Rossgo
Cav it was a laugh, it was great being with those guys who know the track and know that a little argie bargie is acceptable it's when those idiots don't actually know what to do and just blatantly bump or spin others out for no reason who you have got to watch out for! I must admit I surprised myself too!! Don't get me wrong didn't get 28 second laps all the time, I span out once because I clipped the apex a little to firmly while being overtaken (3rd to 4th position and also when being caught up in traffic. But I must admit it did show where my weaknesses were the fast guys know where, how and when to overtake where as I got stuck behind guys a few times which slowed the process down a bit!! But what a laugh no-one moaned or anything just had a laugh!!

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Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 13:29
by Rossgo
Kiwi definelty mate I didn't want a boring job haha

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Re: Rossgo's Saviour!!

Posted: 04 Jun 2016, 07:14
by Rossgo
So last night was a long night! Didn't finish until 1230AM! The reason I am writing s quick post was because last night we had a group come in for a 3 4 2 sessions and they ordered The Italian Job at the bar (basicially a load of pizzas and drinks) but what happened, well a fella from the group got into his kart on the last session (3rd session) managed to drive around a couple of times (full 900m track) and stopped off at one of my Marshall's pods ran to the barrier and chucked up!! He didn't do it on the floor he did it between the barriers right next to the tyres which made it very awkward to clean up...out of 5 people on track none of us wanted to sort that out!! Think the duty manager had to sort it out in the end.

I know o should be smypathic towards the man but serious he was a fully grown man surely he should of known he was to full or suffered from motion sickness. I wasn't too happy about it all, we was already running behind and that caused us to be even more behind!! [ANGRY FACE]

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