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Re: Paris

Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 21:03
by duke63
Could not have put it any better myself.

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 11:01
by Blade
Travelling on the london underground and feeling nervous and paranoid which I know I shouldn't but as public we are being made to feel vulnerable although I know that would be letting these cowards win so we shouldn't feel like that.

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 13:11
by Monty
Blade wrote:Travelling on the london underground and feeling nervous and paranoid which I know I shouldn't but as public we are being made to feel vulnerable although I know that would be letting these cowards win so we shouldn't feel like that.

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 13:31
by Blade
Hey its not you surround by tea towels and rucksacks mate (lol)

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 13:35
by Blade
One of the headlines in the papers today.

"Concert killer was a Syrian saved from drowning in a refugee boat"

Wonder how that will effect the refugee crisis. I fear the genuine refugees will suffer more now which is clearly not on.

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 13:39
by Monty
Blade wrote:Hey its not you surround by tea towels and rucksacks mate (lol)
No, I'm driving the train!

Allah Akbar!!!

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 13:47
by Blade
I don't want that station where ever it is. Keep going please.

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 18:50
by kiwikrasher
Blade wrote:Hey its not you surround by tea towels and rucksacks mate (lol)
You're not allowed to call them Tea towels or towel heads any more Blade, It's not PC towards Islamic terrorists..please read below

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 18:55
by D6Nutz

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 20:55
by Binno
The whole shebang is unfixable. Well there is one way . But no one will ever dare even say it.

East is east
West is west. Never the twain shall meet.

Face it lads. Our kids and grandkids are stuck with this mess. It can only end one way. It has always been the case. It's just a matter of time until the camels back breaks

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 22:59
by Blade
According to the papers the french were warned of an imminent attack on Thursday by an Iraq spy source as some ISIS leaders had given the order. Don't know if true or not just what I read.

Not criticising the French authorities in anyway as even if true it's hard to react to all intelligence information just saying what I read.

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 23:01
by D6
I don't watch/follow the news. Any particular reason France/Paris was the target?

Re: Paris

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 23:06
by Blade
Not sure of exact detail and havent got the paper anymore. I think it was basically because of their presence in Syria and there attacker against ISIS.

Re: Paris

Posted: 17 Nov 2015, 06:51
by TonyB
The Charlie Hebdo magazine was probably still a bit of a catalyst IMO. Those brainwashed c**ts don't forget about those who have made a mockery of their invisible friend....I mean made up bullshit...I mean god...

I read quite a few pages down in that link that Kwacky posted and some of them make some pertinent points. Especially the one about the 'guilt vs shame culture' they have in that part of the world.

Re: Paris

Posted: 17 Nov 2015, 12:44
by Rossgo
kiwikrasher wrote:
Blade wrote:Hey its not you surround by tea towels and rucksacks mate (lol)
You're not allowed to call them Tea towels or towel heads any more Blade, It's not PC towards Islamic terrorists..please read below
Brilliant great find

Re: Paris

Posted: 17 Nov 2015, 13:36
by Blade
Glad to hear Hilary Benn has rejected the nonsense Jeremy Corbyn has been spouting regards the police shouldn't be shooting to kill terrorists. Corbyn has also questioned the legality of an strike on Jihadi John saying he thinks he should of been arrested instead of taken out in a drone strike.

How far removed from popular opinion in this country is Corbyn ?

More info in the below link and thank god the shadow foreign secretary has a brain in his head.

Jeremy Corbyn's shoot-to-kill view rejected by Hilary Benn -" onclick=";return false;

Re: Paris

Posted: 17 Nov 2015, 13:50
by Blade
Scary stuff

Islamic State is plotting deadly cyber-attacks - George Osborne -" onclick=";return false;

Re: Paris

Posted: 17 Nov 2015, 13:53
by Blade
It's time to take the little sheet head bast@rds out now.

Personally I would vote for troops on the ground. Air campaigns are not enough to disrupt cowards that hide in civilian populations.

Binno got this right thr other day. There will come a time when the line has to be crossed and for me that time is now.

My son was in hopisital today. Isis are plotting cyber attacks to take out NHS systems and for me we need to stop theses murdering monsters dead in there tracks now. We need to restore peace and order hopefully to the region but at least to mainland Europe as cyber attacks on critical systems and marauding gun attacks on innocent peaceful citizens are just not acceptable to me.

Sorry for the rant but there I've said it now.

Re: Paris

Posted: 17 Nov 2015, 14:00
by Kwacky
What Corbyn has said is that he doesn't like the Shoot to Kill policy. He didn't say he would ban it. I don't think he could. It's up to the individual police officer at the time to make the decision if he or she should use a kill shot or a wounding shot.

Lots of attacks on Corbyn but they're using sound bites. His answers are taken out of context. Before he talked about the shoot to kill he was saying that we shouldn't get ourselves into a position where there are shoot outs on the streets, we need intelligence and to act on the intelligence before an act is committed. I'm sure we all agree that it's far better to arrest someone wrongfully during the course of an investigation than it is to find ourelves having to react to an attack and sending armed police to deal with the aftermath of an attack.

I don't agree with a lot of what Jeremy Corbyn says, but I do like the way he presents an argument. You have to remember that our press relies on 80% of the public reading and reacting to a headline, without reading the article in full or checking other accounts of the same discussion.

Effectively, Corbyn is being attacked for saying he doesn't think killing more people is the right response to people being killed. He's anti war.

Re: Paris

Posted: 17 Nov 2015, 14:01
by Kwacky
Blade wrote:Scary stuff

Islamic State is plotting deadly cyber-attacks - George Osborne -" onclick=";return false;

Said at the time the current government is trying to pass legislation to monitor everything we say and do. How convenient.