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Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 18 Jul 2016, 08:43
by Kwacky
Blimey mate, did you smash a mirror over a black cat whilst walking under a ladder?

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 18 Jul 2016, 09:00
by Monty
Fecking hell Perks, you don't do sickness by halves! Hope they get you sorted.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 18 Jul 2016, 09:09
by DaytonAndy
Get well soon Perkles and Jack. Hope you're both back to normal as soon as possible.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 18 Jul 2016, 09:19
by Jack
feeling a bit better today got a decent nights sleep and the swelling has started to subside

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 09:48
by kiwikrasher
Perkles wrote:Just fell over at home hit my head on the corner of a shelf now in a&e having stitches
My luck has run out :(
F**k dude, you are having a crap run (gah) really hope you turn a corner soon

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 11:57
by Perkles
I'm certainly going to treat my self when I'm better that's for sure

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 12:01
by C00kiemonster
Perkles wrote:Just fell over at home hit my head on the corner of a shelf now in a&e having stitches
My luck has run out :(
Blimey. It can only get better then - hope you get through a&e quickly.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 12:36
by Perkles
Nhs and my doctor have been brilliant,cant complain at all

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 12:49
by rocket
buy some lottery tickets as your luck has got to change soon.

sorry to hear your having a shite time of it perkles

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 17:16
by Deegee
Must be the week for bumps on the head, I got one last night as well. (gah)

Got home from work just before 19.00, and thought - I'll open the loft hatch and let it ventilate so it's not so stinking hot come bedtime, I opened said hatch and the 11lb bass guitar that had somehow found its way onto the other side of the hatch fell on my head. It's left a 30mm gash down to the bone that bled like hell, it was still oozing this morning, I thought about stitches but guessed it'd be a superglue job and anyway I'm not sitting in A&E for the next 4hrs when I could be resting at home. All scabbed up now, but I'll have to wash my hair tonight, fingers crossed it stays closed up.

P.S. The Bass was fine - apart from the shred of skin and hair stuck on the bridge that is....

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 19:57
by D41
Hip has been bugging the last few days. Don't quite know why, as it's stainless steel.

Been tempted to start using my cane for a bit, but can't seem to find it, so that sorted itself out. Always reluctant to use becomes quite literally a 'crutch' to rely on, and I'm not into that sh*t.

/Crawls off to have another look...

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 17:41
by Perkles
I wasn't going To post this but it's a warning to others
6 weeks ago I fell ill with flu symptoms, and felt slightly nauseous and sick it got worse and worse and eventually buckled with a super high temperature and racing pulse with severe abdominal cramps.I was actually at the doctors and they called an ambulance and I was taken to hospital given fluids and antibiotics on a drip for a week
A ct scan showed a mass/swelling in my lower colon that is thought to be divicular disease which was severely infected
As soon as my temperature and pulse went back to normal they kicked me out with a bag full of antibiotics and sent me home,I complained and said I still felt very ill and didn't feel like I was ready to go home.
A week went past and I couldn't hardly stand up from nausea and vomiting,the doctors told me it was the side effects of the drugs and to drink plenty of water and I would get better.Another week went and I just got worse and worse and blood tests showed the infection was still there.Another week went and on Sunday my kidneys swelled like balloons and I couldn't piss,I stopped taking the antibiotics and went back to the doctor for a blood test on Monday.
I told the nurse I couldn't handle the antibiotics any more and they was making me puke and my kidneys were on fire and I had an unbelievable sense of irritability it was like I was jumping out of my own skin.Its hard to explain how I felt but I knew something was really wrong
she said no antibiotic should make you feel like that and called a doctor in who was new to me
They looked at my notes and asked if I was still allergic to penicillin it's on my medical records,one of the antibiotics was a mixture of penicillin and something else?i told them I had a severe reaction to penicillin as a baby and ended up hospital.The doctor was very quiet and said I should never have been given it three weeks ago let alone re prescribed it three times more and understood why I thought I was slowly dying
I have never questioned any drug a doctor has given me but I will now on from this day,listen to your body it knows when something's up
To make things worse I still have the infection and now starting a 5th different type of antibiotic for another two weeks or until the infections gone
My stomach feels like it's lined with glass and acid and I've lost nearly two stone in weight and I still don't really know what's going on inside my colon until they ram a camera up my arse in a months time
Fed up of brum :(

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 18:13
by C00kiemonster
Perkles wrote:I wasn't going To post this but it's a warning to others
6 weeks ago I fell ill with flu symptoms, and felt slightly nauseous and sick it got worse and worse and eventually buckled with a super high temperature and racing pulse with severe abdominal cramps.I was actually at the doctors and they called an ambulance and I was taken to hospital given fluids and antibiotics on a drip for a week
A ct scan showed a mass/swelling in my lower colon that is thought to be divicular disease which was severely infected
As soon as my temperature and pulse went back to normal they kicked me out with a bag full of antibiotics and sent me home,I complained and said I still felt very ill and didn't feel like I was ready to go home.
A week went past and I couldn't hardly stand up from nausea and vomiting,the doctors told me it was the side effects of the drugs and to drink plenty of water and I would get better.Another week went and I just got worse and worse and blood tests showed the infection was still there.Another week went and on Sunday my kidneys swelled like balloons and I couldn't piss,I stopped taking the antibiotics and went back to the doctor for a blood test on Monday.
I told the nurse I couldn't handle the antibiotics any more and they was making me puke and my kidneys were on fire and I had an unbelievable sense of irritability it was like I was jumping out of my own skin.Its hard to explain how I felt but I knew something was really wrong
she said no antibiotic should make you feel like that and called a doctor in who was new to me
They looked at my notes and asked if I was still allergic to penicillin it's on my medical records,one of the antibiotics was a mixture of penicillin and something else?i told them I had a severe reaction to penicillin as a baby and ended up hospital.The doctor was very quiet and said I should never have been given it three weeks ago let alone re prescribed it three times more and understood why I thought I was slowly dying
I have never questioned any drug a doctor has given me but I will now on from this day,listen to your body it knows when something's up
To make things worse I still have the infection and now starting a 5th different type of antibiotic for another two weeks or until the infections gone
My stomach feels like it's lined with glass and acid and I've lost nearly two stone in weight and I still don't really know what's going on inside my colon until they ram a camera up my arse in a months time
Fed up of brum :(
:( good on you for pushing them but shouldn't have happened in the first place imo.

Hopefully the new regime will have you fighting fit soon matey! Fingers crossed for you...

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 19:00
by duke63
GWS soon Perkles.

At least they are not now giving you drugs that are poisoning your system. I've said a few times that to an extent we know our own bodies and how they work/react better than even highly trained doctors.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 20:16
by Blade
Gutted to hear this mate and spot on for shouting out. I have been in similar positions where I have believed how my body felt and not what a doctor said and on both occasions as you were right to do so.

I think its very good advice your giving mate. Doctors are usually very good but sometimes like all of us they make mistakes and yiu have to question there decisions or diagnosis.

Glad your now getting the right treatment and GWS. Take it easy.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 20:19
by StMarks
Perkles wrote:........They looked at my notes and asked if I was still allergic to penicillin it's on my medical records, one of the antibiotics was a mixture of penicillin and something else?i told them I had a severe reaction to penicillin as a baby and ended up hospital.The doctor was very quiet and said I should never have been given it three weeks ago let alone re prescribed it three times more and understood why I thought I was slowly dying
FFS mate, that has to be about as basic a mistake as can be made. Someone is for the high-jump.!

Perkles wrote:...... and I still don't really know what's going on inside my colon until they ram a camera up my arse in a months time...
It's certainly going to be strange; looking forward to that.!!! :S

I hope this latest lot of med's help you start to feel yourself again mate, you've really been put through it recently. :(

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 21:09
by kiwikrasher
What a bloody ordeal!

I agree with you on knowing your body best. I ended up with a severe kidney infection years ago because the first lot of doc's didn't think what had happened could. It was too rare an occurrence. Along the way I had a false positive to an STD and knowing I hadn't been anywhere extra it nearly ended a 6 yr relationship. Luckily I found a great specialist and got the right mess and was sorted.

I can't imagine how you feel Perks, but let's hope this is the corner and things are on the up. I get colonoscopies every 4 years due to my dads bowel cancer, the procedure is nothing to worry about, it's just the 'cleanse' the day before that's a bit of a bugger.

Doctors are just people mechanics in my mind. I respect them because they are dealing with complex machinery but they are human and will and do make mistakes in their treatment. A second opinion is easy to get and you have nothing to lose. I've done it a few times now and it's been worthwhile.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 21:46
by Monty
kiwikrasher wrote:Doctors are just people mechanics in my mind. I respect them because they are dealing with complex machinery but they are human and will and do make mistakes in their treatment. A second opinion is easy to get and you have nothing to lose. I've done it a few times now and it's been worthwhile.
Too true dude, get well soon Perks.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 22:29
by Kwacky
Look on the bright side Perkles, you'll get some pleasure from the camera.

That's if it touches the sides (devil)

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 27 Jul 2016, 09:18
by Perkles
one day off the penicillin and I feel about 50% better